Hi everyone, I have deployed dagster on Kubernetes...
# ask-community
Hi everyone, I have deployed dagster on Kubernetes with user deployment. Now I am trying to run a job with a different image and run configs. I have tested tags and the
but nothing works. Here an example of the executor definition:
Copy code
billwerk_billing_activation_k8s_executor = k8s_job_executor.configured(
        "step_k8s_config": {
            "container_config": {
                "image": "harbor.services.sevdesk.dev/sevdesk/data/maintenance-utils/billwerk-billing-activation:latest",
                "imagePullPolicy": "Always",
                "volume_mounts": [
                    {"name": "billwerk-config",
                     "mount_path": "/configs/billwerk-config.json",
                     "sub_path": "billwerk-config.json",
                    {"name": "redshift-config",
                     "mount_path": "/configs/redshift-config.json",
                     "sub_path": "redshift-config.json",
                "command": ["python"],
                "args": ["/billwerk-billing-activation.py"],
            "pod_spec_config": {
                "volumes": [
                    {"name": "billwerk-config",
                     {"secret_name": "billwerk-config"},
                    {"name": "redshift-config",
                     {"secret_name": "redshift-config"},

def billwerk_billing_activation_job():
    my_logger = get_dagster_logger()
    <http://my_logger.info|my_logger.info>("Starting billwerk billing activation")
Am I missing something? Why won't it use those configs? Thanks for any help