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# ask-ai
This message was deleted.
The error message you're encountering indicates that the
environment variable is not set. Dagster relies on this environment variable to locate the directory where it should store instance-related data, such as run history and event logs. This directory also typically contains the
configuration file. To resolve this error, you need to set the
environment variable to point to a directory on your filesystem where you want Dagster to store its instance data. Here's how you can do this for different operating systems: For Unix-like systems (e.g., Linux, macOS):
Copy code
sh export DAGSTER_HOME="/path/to/dagster_home"
For Windows using PowerShell:
Copy code
powershell $env:DAGSTER_HOME = "C:\path\to\dagster_home"
For Windows using Command Prompt:
Copy code
cmd set DAGSTER_HOME=C:\path\to\dagster_home
Make sure to replace
with the actual path to the directory you want to use for your Dagster instance. After setting the
environment variable, you can try running the
dagster run wipe
command again, and it should work without throwing the
. If you do not want to persist data across sessions and are okay with using a temporary directory for storage that is cleaned up when the process exits, you can use
in your code to create a transient instance. However, this is typically used for temporary local development or testing.