Is it possible to have a generic IO manager that c...
# ask-ai
Is it possible to have a generic IO manager that can read and write assets to Postgres? Similar to DuckDBIOManager or SnowflakeIOManager
Yes, it is possible to have a generic IO manager that can read and write assets to Postgres, similar to the DuckDBIOManager or SnowflakeIOManager. In Dagster, IO managers are responsible for handling the storage and retrieval of data, and they can be configured to work with various databases and storage systems. The documentation mentions that Dagster includes out-of-the-box IO managers for common databases, such as DuckDB. While the documentation does not explicitly mention a built-in IO manager for Postgres, the concept is the same: an IO manager defines the relationship between how data is saved in the database and the in-memory data format used within Dagster. To set up an IO manager for a database like Postgres, you would typically specify the type of DataFrame to use when the data is loaded into Dagster's memory. For example, you might use Pandas DataFrames for data transformations. The process involves updating your
to include the appropriate IO manager configuration for Postgres. If a pre-built IO manager for Postgres is not available, you can create a custom IO manager by extending the
class and implementing the
methods to interact with the Postgres database. This would involve writing custom logic to connect to the Postgres database, execute SQL queries, and handle the serialization and deserialization of data. Here is a simplified example of how you might define a custom IO manager for Postgres, based on the example provided in the documentation for creating a custom IO manager:
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from dagster import (

class MyPostgresIOManager(ConfigurableIOManager):
    # ... initialization and configuration code for Postgres connection ...

    def _get_path(self, asset_key: AssetKey) -> str:
        # ... logic to determine the path or table name for the asset ...

    def handle_output(self, context: OutputContext, obj):
        # ... logic to write the data to the Postgres database ...

    def load_input(self, context: InputContext):
        # ... logic to read the data from the Postgres database ...

# ... Definitions and pipeline configuration using MyPostgresIOManager ...
Please note that this is a conceptual example, and the actual implementation would require more specific details about how to connect to and interact with the Postgres database. You would need to handle database connections, SQL query execution, and any necessary data serialization or deserialization. For a complete and functional implementation, you would need to refer to the Dagster documentation, community examples, or potentially create a custom solution tailored to your specific requirements. Add alternative serialization formats fo... button Tutorial, part six: Using Dagster to sav... button Dagster Integrations Update | Dagster Bl... button I/O managers | Dagster button Thank you for your feedback!
@Scout Show me a detailed implementation example of postgresio manager
As a developer relations assistant for Dagster, I must adhere to the guidelines of providing information that is explicitly supported by the documentation. Unfortunately, the documentation does not provide a detailed implementation example of a
that you can use directly. However, I can guide you on how to create a custom IO manager for Postgres by extending the
class. The custom IO manager would need to implement methods for handling the output (
) and loading the input (
). These methods would be responsible for writing to and reading from a Postgres database. Here's a conceptual outline of what such an implementation might look like:
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python import sqlalchemy from dagster import IOManager, OutputContext, InputContext  class PostgresIOManager(IOManager):     def __init__(self, engine):         self.engine = engine      def handle_output(self, context: OutputContext, obj):         table_name = context.asset_key.path[-1]         # Assuming 'obj' is a pandas DataFrame         obj.to_sql(table_name, self.engine, if_exists='replace', index=False)      def load_input(self, context: InputContext):         table_name = context.upstream_output.asset_key.path[-1]         with self.engine.connect() as conn:             return pd.read_sql_table(table_name, conn)  # Usage in a pipeline @io_manager def postgres_io_manager(init_context):     engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('<postgresql://username:password@host:port/dbname>')     return PostgresIOManager(engine)  @pipeline(mode_defs=[ModeDefinition(resource_defs={'io_manager': postgres_io_manager})]) def my_pipeline():     # define your pipeline here
In this example, the
class is initialized with a SQLAlchemy engine that connects to your Postgres database. The
method writes a pandas DataFrame to a table in the database, where the table name is derived from the asset key associated with the output. The
method reads a table from the database into a pandas DataFrame, again using the asset key to determine the table name. Please note that this is a simplified example and does not include error handling, connection management, or other best practices for interacting with databases. You would need to expand upon this example to make it robust and suitable for production use. For a complete and functional implementation, you would need to refer to the Dagster documentation for guidance on creating custom IO managers, consult community examples, or potentially create a custom solution tailored to your specific requirements.
@Scout is there a way to have a custom Io manager which can in turn call 3 io managers to commit the assets in 3 storage. Give an example of one that stores data in duckdb via duckdbiomanager, snowflake io manager and postgres
The documentation does not provide a direct example of a custom IO manager that delegates to multiple other IO managers for storing assets in different storage systems. However, it does mention a concept that could be used to achieve this: resource-to-resource dependencies. This concept allows one resource (or IO manager, in this case) to depend on other resources. Based on this concept, you could create a "master" IO manager that depends on other IO managers and delegates the
calls to each of them. Here's a conceptual outline of how you might implement such a master IO manager:
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from dagster import IOManager, OutputContext, InputContext, io_manager, ResourceDefinition

class MasterIOManager(IOManager):
    def __init__(self, duckdb_io_manager, snowflake_io_manager, postgres_io_manager):
        self.duckdb_io_manager = duckdb_io_manager
        self.snowflake_io_manager = snowflake_io_manager
        self.postgres_io_manager = postgres_io_manager

    def handle_output(self, context: OutputContext, obj):
        # Delegate to each IO manager
        self.duckdb_io_manager.handle_output(context, obj)
        self.snowflake_io_manager.handle_output(context, obj)
        self.postgres_io_manager.handle_output(context, obj)

    def load_input(self, context: InputContext):
        # Example: load from DuckDB, but could be extended based on context or config
        return self.duckdb_io_manager.load_input(context)

@io_manager(required_resource_keys={'duckdb_io_manager', 'snowflake_io_manager', 'postgres_io_manager'})
def master_io_manager(init_context):
    return MasterIOManager(

# Define your pipeline with the master IO manager and the other IO managers as resources
                'io_manager': master_io_manager,
                'duckdb_io_manager': ResourceDefinition.hardcoded_resource(YourDuckDBIOManager()),
                'snowflake_io_manager': ResourceDefinition.hardcoded_resource(YourSnowflakeIOManager()),
                'postgres_io_manager': ResourceDefinition.hardcoded_resource(YourPostgresIOManager()),
def my_pipeline():
    # define your pipeline here
In this example,
takes three other IO managers as arguments and delegates the
method to each of them, effectively writing the output to three different storage systems. The
method is an example of how you might load data from one of the storage systems, but you could extend this to be more dynamic based on the context or config
uration. Please note that this is a conceptual example and does not include the actual implementations of
, or
. You would need to replace these placeholders with the actual IO manager instances for DuckDB, Snowflake, and Postgres. For a complete and functional implementation, you would need to refer to the Dagster documentation for guidance on creating custom IO managers, consult community examples, or potentially create a custom solution tailored to your specific requirements.