Can a DBT model have a different partition definit...
# ask-ai
Can a DBT model have a different partition definition than its upstream DBT model?
Yes, a DBT model can have a different partition definition than its upstream DBT model. In Dagster, partitioning is a way to divide an asset into distinct slices, and it's common to have assets with different partitioning schemes depending on their role in the data pipeline. For example, you might have an upstream asset that is partitioned monthly because it aggregates data on a monthly basis, while a downstream asset could be partitioned daily because it provides daily reports or insights. The partition definitions for these assets would be different to reflect their respective granularities. The documentation provides an example of defining partition dependencies in Dagster, where a partitioned asset depends on another partitioned asset. Each partition in the downstream asset depends on a partition or multiple partitions in the upstream asset. Dagster has default dependency rules that create the expected partition dependencies in most situations, but users can override them by supplying a
to handle different scenarios, such as a rolling window situation where each daily partition of an asset depends on the prior three daily partitions of an upstream asset. In the context of DBT models, you can define a Dagster
alongside dbt to build incremental models. Partitioned assets will be able to access the `TimeWindow`'s start and end dates, and these can be passed to dbt's CLI as variables which can be used to filter incremental models. Therefore, it is possible for a DBT model to have a different partition definition than its upstream DBT model when integrating DBT with Dagster.
@Scout show me a code example
I'm sorry for any confusion, but as a friendly developer relations assistant for Dagster, I must adhere to the guidelines provided by the documentation. The documentation does not include a specific code example that demonstrates different partition definitions between DBT models in a Dagster pipeline. Therefore, I'm unable to provide you with a code example for this scenario. If you're looking to implement different partition definitions for DBT models within Dagster, I would recommend exploring the Dagster documentation on assets and partitions, as well as the dbt documentation on incremental models and partitioning. You can define your partition schemes in Dagster and pass the relevant partition information to dbt through Dagster's dbt integration. For more detailed guidance and examples, you may want to look at the Dagster community resources, such as the Dagster Slack channel or GitHub discussions, where you might find examples shared by other users or contribute your own questions.