<@U0667DNC02Y> can I initialize a static partition...
# ask-ai
@Scout can I initialize a static partition definition using a Resource?
Based on the documentation, there is no direct mention of initializing a static partition using a Resource. Static partitions are typically defined with a static list of strings identifying the set of partitions, and this list is not dynamic. The documentation provides an example of how to define a static partitioned job and schedule, but it does not discuss the use of Resources for initializing these partitions. However, there is a related GitHub issue where a user expressed the desire to set partition configurations for different environments, such as having different start dates for
in prod/dev/test environments. The user mentioned a workaround by loading an environment variable directly into the partition definition but noted that it breaks Dagster's philosophy. The maintainers acknowledged this use case, which suggests that there might be interest in exploring such functionality, but as of the last update in the documentation, there is no built-in way to initialize static partitions using Resources. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, you may want to check the latest Dagster documentation or reach out to the Dagster community for any recent developments on this topic.
No, based on the documentation, you cannot initialize a static partition definition using a Resource. The
requires a static list of strings identifying the set of partitions when it is defined, and there is no direct mechanism to initialize it with a Resource. The list of partitions is static, meaning that while the run config returned by the decorated function may change over time, the list of valid partition keys does not. This is designed for performance advantages in terms of loading different partition views in the Dagster UI. However, there was a feature request on the Dagster Github Issues discussing the desire to set partition configurations for different environments, such as using different start dates for
in prod/dev/test environments. The user mentioned a workaround by loading an environment variable directly on the partition definition, but noted that it breaks Dagster's philosophy. The maintainers have acknowledged this issue, indicating that they factor community engagement into prioritization for feature requests. For now, if you need to have different partition configurations for different environments, you would need to use a workaround like the one mentioned above or define separate static partition definitions for each environment.