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# ask-ai
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The error message you're encountering indicates that there is an unexpected configuration entry for the
op within the job
. Specifically, the error is saying that it received a config entry where it wasn't expecting one. To debug this error, let's go through a few steps: 1. Check the Op Configuration: Ensure that the
op is defined with the correct configuration schema. If
is a custom configuration class, make sure that it is defined correctly and that it matches the configuration you are passing to the job. 2. Job Configuration: When you execute the job, you need to provide the correct configuration for the ops within the job. According to the documentation, Dagster validates any provided run config against the corresponding Pydantic model and will abort execution with a
if validation fails. 3. Passing Configuration: If you are passing configuration to the job when you execute it, ensure that it is structured correctly. For example, if you are using a YAML file for configuration, it should look something like this:
Copy code
yaml ops:   store_precog_results:     config:       # ... configuration for LMEvalResultsConfig
And you would execute the job with the following command:
Copy code
shell dagster job execute --config my_config.yaml
4. Configuration Schema: If the
op requires a configuration, ensure that the
parameter is set correctly in the
decorator to accept the configuration. If
is a Pydantic model, you would typically use it directly as the
. 5. Execution: When executing the job, make sure you are providing the configuration in the manner expected by Dagster. If you are using the CLI, you should pass the configuration file using the
option. If you've checked all of the above and the error persists, please provide more details about how you are executing the job and passing the configuration. This will help in pinpointing the exact issue. If the configuration is sensitive, make sure to redact any sensitive information before sharing.