<@U0667DNC02Y> can you have asset_checks on an @ob...
# ask-ai
@Scout can you have asset_checks on an @observed_source_asset?
Based on the documentation,
is used to define source assets with observation functions that return a
. When the observation function is run, an
will be generated for the source asset and tagged with the returned data version. However, the documentation does not explicitly mention the use of
in conjunction with
. Asset checks are typically used to define checks that can be executed to verify certain properties or expectations of an asset. These checks can be defined using the
decorator and can be associated with assets to ensure data quality. Since the documentation does not provide a clear example or statement about using
on an
, it is not certain whether this is supported or recommended. If you need to perform checks on source assets, you might consider defining separate asset checks that target the assets materialized from the source data, rather than directly on the
. Asset Observations | Dagster button auto-observe source assets button DBT source asset checks button Introducing Asset Checks | Dagster Blog button Thank you for your feedback!
@Scout How can I get previous asset check metadata values from within an asset check?
To access previous asset check metadata values from within an asset check, you can use the context object provided to the asset check function to query the Dagster instance for historical events related to the asset. Specifically, you can use methods like
to retrieve historical materialization events, which may include metadata from previous asset checks. Here's a general approach to accessing previous asset check metadata values within an asset check: 1. Use the
to access the Dagster instance. 2. Query the event log for the asset's historical materialization events using
with an
that specifies the asset key and the event type
. 3. Access the metadata from the retrieved materialization events. Below is an example of how you might implement this in an asset check function:
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python from dagster import asset_check, AssetCheckContext, AssetCheckResult from dagster.core.events.log import EventRecordsFilter from dagster.core.events import DagsterEventType  @asset_check(asset=my_asset) def my_asset_check(context: AssetCheckContext):     # Retrieve historical materialization events for the asset     records = context.instance.get_event_records(         EventRecordsFilter(             event_type=DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION,             asset_key=context.asset_key,         ),         limit=10,  # Adjust the limit as needed     )      # Extract metadata values from the historical events     historical_metadata_values = [         record.event_log_entry.dagster_event.asset_materialization.metadata         for record in records     ]      # Perform your check using the historical metadata values     # ...      # Return an AssetCheckResult based on your check     return AssetCheckResult(         success=True,         metadata={"my_check_metadata": "value"},  # Include any relevant metadata for the check     )
In this example,
would be replaced with the actual asset you are checking, and you would include logic to perform your specific check using the historical metadata values. Please note that the exact implementation details may vary depending on the version of Dagster you are using and the structure of your assets and checks. Always refer to the latest Dagster documentation for the most up-to-date guidance on implementing asset checks and accessing historical metadata.
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historical_metadata_values = [
        for record in records
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 2, in <listcomp>
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'metadata'
It appears there was a misunderstanding in the example provided. The
is not directly accessible as it was described. Instead, you should access the
attribute, which contains the
data when the event type is an asset materialization. Here's how you can correctly access the metadata from the historical materialization events:
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python from dagster import asset_check, AssetCheckContext, AssetCheckResult from dagster.core.events.log import EventRecordsFilter from dagster.core.events import DagsterEventType  @asset_check(asset=my_asset) def my_asset_check(context: AssetCheckContext):     # Retrieve historical materialization events for the asset     records = context.instance.get_event_records(         EventRecordsFilter(             event_type=DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION,             asset_key=context.asset_key,         ),         limit=10,  # Adjust the limit as needed     )      # Extract metadata values from the historical events     historical_metadata_values = [         record.dagster_event.event_specific_data.materialization.metadata_entries         for record in records         if record.dagster_event and            record.dagster_event.event_specific_data and            record.dagster_event.event_type == DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION     ]      # Perform your check using the historical metadata values     # ...      # Return an AssetCheckResult based on your check     return AssetCheckResult(         success=True,         metadata={"my_check_metadata": "value"},  # Include any relevant metadata for the check     )
In this corrected example, we are checking that the
exist and that the event type is
before attempting to access the
. This should prevent the
you encountered. Please adjust the logic within the list comprehension to match the structure of your event records and the metadata you are trying to access. The
attribute will contain the metadata associated with each materialization event, and you may need to further process this to extract the specific metadata values you are interested in.
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historical_metadata_values = [
        for record in records
        if record.dagster_event and
           record.dagster_event.event_specific_data and
           record.dagster_event.event_type == DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 4, in <listcomp>
AttributeError: 'EventLogRecord' object has no attribute 'dagster_event'
I apologize for the confusion. The error indicates that the
object does not have a
attribute directly accessible in the way it was referenced. Instead, you should use the
method to retrieve the
object from an
. Here's how you can correctly access the metadata from the historical materialization events:
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python from dagster import asset_check, AssetCheckContext, AssetCheckResult from dagster.core.events.log import EventRecordsFilter from dagster.core.events import DagsterEventType  @asset_check(asset=my_asset) def my_asset_check(context: AssetCheckContext):     # Retrieve historical materialization events for the asset     records = context.instance.get_event_records(         EventRecordsFilter(             event_type=DagsterEventType.ASSET_MATERIALIZATION,             asset_key=context.asset_key,         ),         limit=10,  # Adjust the limit as needed     )      # Extract metadata values from the historical events     historical_metadata_values = []     for record in records:         dagster_event = record.event_log_entry.get_dagster_event()         if dagster_event and dagster_event.event_specific_data:             materialization = dagster_event.event_specific_data.materialization             metadata_entries = materialization.metadata_entries             historical_metadata_values.append(metadata_entries)      # Perform your check using the historical metadata values     # ...      # Return an AssetCheckResult based on your check     return AssetCheckResult(         success=True,         metadata={"my_check_metadata": "value"},  # Include any relevant metadata for the check     )
In this corrected example, we use the
method to access the
from the
. Then, we check if the
is present and extract the
from the
. Please adjust the logic to match the structure of your event records and the metadata you are trying to access. The
attribute will contain the metadata associated with each materialization event, and you may need to further process this to extract the specific metadata values you are interested in.