Is it possible to known if the materialization of ...
# ask-ai
Is it possible to known if the materialization of an asset is the last one in a job?
Yes, it is possible to know if the materialization of an asset is the last one in a job. The documentation provides a way to log an
from an op, and you can use the
to report an asset materialization of an external asset. This implies that within the context of an op, you can determine when an asset is being materialized. However, to determine if this materialization is the last one within a job, you would typically need to have knowledge of the job's execution plan and the dependencies between the assets. If the job is structured such that each asset materialization occurs in sequence and you have control over the execution order, you could infer that the last op to execute in the job corresponds to the last asset materialization. Additionally, if the asset is partitioned, the documentation mentions that you can see when the asset is next scheduled for an update, which could help infer if the current materialization is the last one for a given schedule or partition. For more complex scenarios, you might need to use additional context or metadata within your job to track the progress of materializations and determine if a particular materialization is the last one. This could involve setting flags, using custom events, or querying the Dagster instance for the status of runs and materializations. Remember that the specifics of how you would implement this depend on the details of your job and the assets involved. The documentation does not provide a direct method to check if a materialization is the last one in a job, so you would need to design your job with this requirement in mind.