:wave: dagster team, we have an observable source ...
# dagster-plus
👋 dagster team, we have an observable source that roughly observes a new version every hour, it fans out to ~70 assets with auto-materialization policy eager. They all should get refreshed automatically when the observable source observes a new version and they mostly have until yesterday... We don't see any automation evaluations in the UI for all 70 assets since yesterday ~12:30pm EST and all 70 assets show that have changes since last materialization. We're on dagster
. We've tried redeploying the code location as well as enabling and disabling the auto materialization daemon. What could cause the auto materialization engine to stop refreshiing our assets. Thanks for the help 🙏
🤖 1
Hi Henri - would it be possible to share the org name and asset name of an asset that isn't materializing the way you would expect?
@daniel yes I can PM you
👍 1
Just a heads up that we have a fix in progress here
we believe this is now fixed - apologies for the disruption and thank you for the report
Thanks we're seeing auto mat pick things back up now! thank you for the help / quick fix
dagsir 2