Hello everyone! I've created an ETL pipeline on D...
# ask-community
Hello everyone! I've created an ETL pipeline on Dagster Now I need to run this pipeline once a week for a few different clients What is the most idiomatic way to achieve this in Dagster? What's bothering me is the concept of a software defined asset and how they are kept up to date over time If I run the pipeline once for client A and then for client B, I don't want client B's run to overwrite the state of the assets of client A and for client B's assets to be the "more up to date" version of the asset They are in fact different instances of the same "asset" and will each have their own up to date versions
Very common use case, many folks use partitioned assets for this
daggy love 1
Thank you sir Will read through and come back with questions, if any
100% partitioned assets.
👍 1