Is it possible to trigger to run a job by an asset...
# ask-ai
Is it possible to trigger to run a job by an asset?
Yes, it is possible to trigger a job run in response to an asset event using sensors. According to the documentation, you can use sensors to run a job or materialize an asset in response to specific events. Sensors periodically check and execute logic to determine whether to kick off a run. They are commonly used for situations where you want to materialize an asset after some externally observable event happens. For example, you could set up an asset sensor that triggers a job whenever a new materialization of a particular asset occurs. This is useful if you have a pipeline that should execute in response to changes in an asset, such as a new file arriving in a specific location or an update to a database table. To implement this, you would define a sensor that targets the asset and configure it to launch the job when the conditions you specify are met. The sensor can be configured to monitor for new materializations of the asset and trigger the associated job accordingly. For more detailed guidance on how to set up sensors and trigger jobs based on asset events, you can refer to the Sensors documentation within the Dagster documentation. Asset checks | Dagster button Execute Job on Start button Combining Ops and Assets within the same... button Enabling using assets as input for a job... button Thank you for your feedback!
Is it possible to trigger to run a job by an asset without using a sensor??