I have the following code; ```from dagster import...
# ask-ai
I have the following code;
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from dagster import Definitions
from dagster_dev.assets import test_asset
from dagster_dev.loggers import custom_logger

defs = Definitions(assets=[test_asset],loggers={'custom_logger':custom_logger})
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from dagster import logger

def custom_logger(init_context):
    assert False
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from dagster import asset, AssetExecutionContext

def test_asset(context: AssetExecutionContext) -> int:
    <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>("Some Log")
    return 42
The logger init is never called!? I expect to see an assertion failure why do I not?
Based on the documentation, when you define a custom logger using the
decorator, the decorated function should accept an
and return an instance of
. This function will become the
of an underlying
. The custom logger is then supposed to be automatically invoked whenever the methods on
are called from within job compute logic. In your code, you have defined a custom logger
that asserts
when initialized. However, you're expecting to see an assertion failure when the logger is initialized, but you're not seeing it. There are a few potential reasons why the logger initialization is not being called: 1. The logger is not correctly configured in the job or pipeline that is executing the asset. The
object you're creating with
defs = Definitions(assets=[test_asset], loggers={'custom_logger': custom_logger})
is not by itself sufficient to ensure that the logger is used during execution. You need to make sure that the job or pipeline that includes
is also configured to use
. 2. The logger might not be getting instantiated due to a misconfiguration or an issue with the execution environment. For example, if the job or pipeline is not executed, or if there is an error in the configuration that prevents the logger from being instantiated, you would not see the assertion failure. 3. The asset execution might not be reaching the point where it logs information. If there is an error in the asset code before the logging statement, or if the asset is not being executed at all, the logger would not be invoked. To debug this issue, you can check the following: - Ensure that the job or pipeline that includes
is configured to use
. This typically involves setting the
argument in the job definition to include your custom logger. - Verify that the job or pipeline is being executed correctly and that there are no errors preventing the execution from reaching the point where
is called. - Check the execution environment and configuration to ensure that there are no issues preventing the logger from being instantiated. If you've confirmed that the job or pipeline is set up correctly and the asset is being executed without errors, but you're still not seeing the assertion failure, it may be necessary to look into the specific details of your execution environment or consider other potential issues that could be affecting the logger initialization.
@Scout In response to; "to use
. This typically involves setting the
argument in the job definition to include your custom logger." I do not make use of an explicit Job - I am on;y using the @asset decorator - so how do I set the
In Dagster, when you're using assets without an explicit job definition, you can still configure loggers by using a repository definition that includes your assets and loggers. Here's how you can do it: 1. Define your custom logger using the
decorator, as you have done. 2. Create a repository that includes your assets and logger definitions. 3. Use the repository in Dagit or when executing your assets programmatically. Here's an example of how you might define a repository with your custom logger and asset:
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python from dagster import repository, asset, logger, AssetExecutionContext  # Define your custom logger @logger def custom_logger(init_context):     assert False  # Define your asset @asset def test_asset(context: AssetExecutionContext) -> int:     <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>("Some Log")     return 42  # Define a repository that includes your asset and custom logger @repository def my_repository():     return {         "assets": [test_asset],         "loggers": {"custom_logger": custom_logger},     }
When you load this repository in Dagit, it should automatically pick up the custom logger definition. When you execute your asset, the custom logger should be initialized, and you should see the assertion failure as expected. If you're executing your assets programmatically, you can use the repository definition to configure the execution context with the custom logger. Here's an example of how you might do that:
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python from dagster import execute_pipeline, build_pipeline_definition  # Assuming you have a repository as defined above pipeline_def = build_pipeline_definition(my_repository)  # Execute the pipeline with the custom logger result = execute_pipeline(pipeline_def)
Make sure that your repository is correctly configured and recognized by Dagster, and that you're using the correct execution commands that take the repository's configuration into account.
@Scout but I am not using repository derictly either - I have specified the loggers in the Definitions like;
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defs = Definitions(assets=[test_asset],loggers={'custom_logger':custom_logger})
If you are using the
class to configure your assets and loggers, and you are not seeing the logger initialization being called, it could be due to the way you are executing your assets. The
class is used to implicitly create a repository under the hood, which is then used by Dagster's tooling. To ensure that your custom logger is being used when executing your assets, you should execute your assets in a context that respects the
configuration. This typically involves using Dagster's command-line interface (CLI) or Dagit UI, which will automatically pick up the
variable from your module and use it to construct the execution environment. Here's what you need to do: 1. Make sure your module (let's call it
) with the
is structured like this:
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from dagster import asset, logger, Definitions, AssetExecutionContext

# Define your custom logger
def custom_logger(init_context):
    assert False

# Define your asset
def test_asset(context: AssetExecutionContext) -> int:
    <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>("Some Log")
    return 42

# Create Definitions with your asset and custom logger
defs = Definitions(assets=[test_asset], loggers={'custom_logger': custom_logger})
2. Use the Dagster CLI to execute your assets. If you're using the CLI, you can run the following command:
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dagster asset execute -f my_module.py
This command tells Dagster to execute the assets defined in
, and Dagster will use the
variable to construct the execution environment, including the custom logger. 3. If you're using Dagit, simply start Dagit while pointing to the directory containing
, and Dagit will automatically load the
variable and use it to construct the execution environment.
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dagit -f my_module.py
When you execute your assets through these methods, Dagster should use the custom logger defined in your
, and you should see the assertion failure as expected. If you are still not seeing the logger initialization being called, you may want to verify that there are no issues with the way you are executing your assets or with the environment in which Dagster is running. Additionally, ensure that there are no errors in your asset or logger definitions that could be preventing the logger from being initialized. Loggers | Dagster button Dagster log handler re-logs messages to ... button Dagster Docs button "DagsterInvariantViolationError: Provide... button Thank you for your feedback!