Was there just an outage of some kind or is this o...
# dagster-plus
Was there just an outage of some kind or is this on our end? Both of our deployed agents went down at the same time with an abundance of these GraphQL storage errors
🤖 1
hey Austin, yes we experienced a brief outage during this time and have recovered. Apologies for the inconvenience! Notice on our status page
👍 1
I keep having this issue frequently, it started around the time of this original post but it's still happening. Is there anything I can do on our side to mitigate this?
Actually sorry it's a slightly different GraphQLStorageError:
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dagster_cloud_cli.core.errors.GraphQLStorageError: Max retries (6) exceeded, too many ('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')) error responses.