Hi All -- new Dagster user here! I am having some ...
# dagster-plus
Hi All -- new Dagster user here! I am having some trouble getting my first deployment running on dagster cloud. I am trying to build and deploy my project as a docker image, since the PEX based deployment isn't working due to a known bug related to a dependency in dbt core. I was able to successfully upload my image to dagster cloud (see firsts screenshot). But when I go to deploy (following these instructions), it appears that the command isn’t recognizing the base image tag parameter and it is following same deployment flow as if there is no base-image-tag param. Any recommendations on how I can proceed?
🤖 1
Hi chris - I think the instructions you're looking for to deploy on docker are here: https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/deployment/serverless#disabling-pex-based-deploys There's a separate `
Copy code
dagster-cloud serverless deploy
command that you use instead of
- and there's a tab there about how to customize the base image (you don't need to upload the base image separately if you're using docker - it's already included in the docker image that you upload via the Docker deploy command)
@daniel thanks so much for the response! I figured out the issue, it was granting docker access to my
directory. However, i am now running into another issue (first attached screenshot). Here's my directory structure. Any tips on how to proceed? My project runs fine locally!
glad it's working - could you share the contents of your dagster_cloud.yaml?
locations: - location_name: combustion code_source: package_name: dagster_orchestration_new
and how about your pyproject.toml?
[build-system] requires = ["setuptools"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [tool.dagster] module_name = "dagster_orchestration_new.definitions" code_location_name = "dagster_orchestration_new"
i think you want the package_name in the former to match up with the module_name in the latter
so like this?
Copy code
requires = ["setuptools"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

module_name = "dagster_orchestration_new"
code_location_name = "dagster_orchestration_new"
the pyproject.toml is the one that seems to be working if it's working locally, so the dagster_cloud.yaml is the one that i would change
❤️ 1
ah that makes sense
trying now
that worked!! Thank you so much for the quick responses. not sure if i would've gotten there myself
dagsir 1