how do you set an auto materialize policy that dep...
# ask-ai
how do you set an auto materialize policy that depends on a partitioned asset or partitioned job and cron?
To set an auto-materialize policy that depends on a partitioned asset and a cron schedule, you can use the
rule. This rule allows you to specify that an asset partition should be materialized if it has not been materialized since the latest cron schedule tick. For assets with a time component to their partitions definition, this rule will request all partitions that have been missed since the previous tick. Here's an example from the documentation on how to use
with an `AutoMaterializePolicy`:
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python from dagster import AutoMaterializePolicy, AutoMaterializeRule, asset  materialize_on_cron_policy = AutoMaterializePolicy.eager().with_rules(     # try to materialize this asset if it hasn't been materialized since the last cron tick     AutoMaterializeRule.materialize_on_cron("0 9 * * *", timezone="US/Central"), )  @asset(auto_materialize_policy=materialize_on_cron_policy) def root_asset():     ...
In this example, the
rule is added to an eager auto-materialize policy. The cron schedule is set to "0 9 * * *" which means every day at 9:00 AM according to the "US/Central" timezone. The
will be materialized if it hasn't been materialized since the last cron tick. If you have a partitioned asset, you can define the partitions and attach the auto-materialize policy to the asset as follows:
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python from dagster import AutoMaterializePolicy, DailyPartitionsDefinition, asset  @asset(     partitions_def=DailyPartitionsDefinition(start_date="2020-10-10"),     auto_materialize_policy=AutoMaterializePolicy.eager(), ) def partitioned_asset():     ...
In this case,
is a daily-partitioned asset with an eager auto-materialize policy. Dagster will notice new partitions and auto-materialize them as they are added. Remember to enable auto-materialization in your Dagster deployment through the UI by toggling the appropriate setting in the "Deployment" section under "Daemons" or "Agents" depending on whether you're using an open-source deployment or Dagster Cloud. Please note that the
rule can be customized with additional parameters such as
to further control the behavior of the auto-materialization based on cron schedules.
@Scout can i separate the materializations into different runs? i.e by asset group
Yes, you can separate the materializations into different runs by asset group. In Dagster, asset groups can be used to organize and manage the materialization of assets. When you define assets, you can assign them to groups, and then you can materialize the entire group or individual assets within the group. To materialize assets in separate runs by group, you can set up schedules or sensors that target specific asset groups. Each schedule or sensor can be configured to materialize a particular group of assets at a specific time or in response to certain events. Here's an example of how you might define a schedule for an asset group:
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python from dagster import ScheduleDefinition, repository from dagster.core.asset_defs import build_assets_job  # Define your assets and assign them to groups @asset(group_name="group1") def asset_a():     ...  @asset(group_name="group2") def asset_b():     ...  # Build jobs for each asset group group1_job = build_assets_job("group1_job", asset_group_name="group1") group2_job = build_assets_job("group2_job", asset_group_name="group2")  # Define schedules for each job group1_schedule = ScheduleDefinition(job=group1_job, cron_schedule="0 8 * * *") group2_schedule = ScheduleDefinition(job=group2_job, cron_schedule="0 9 * * *")  @repository def my_repository():     return [group1_job, group2_job, group1_schedule, group2_schedule]
In this example,
is part of
, and
is part of
. We create separate jobs for each group using
and then define schedules for each job with different cron schedules. This way, the materializations of assets in
will happen in separate runs according to their respective schedules. Please note that the exact syntax and features available may vary depending on the version of Dagster you are using, and you should refer to the latest Dagster documentation for the most up-to-date information.
@Scout can you separate auto-materialization into one job per asset group?
As of my knowledge cutoff date in early 2023, Dagster's auto-materialization policies apply to individual assets rather than asset groups. The auto-materialization policy determines when an asset should be materialized based on certain rules, such as when its upstream assets have been updated or on a cron schedule. However, if you want to separate auto-materialization into one job per asset group, you would typically create separate jobs for each asset group and then apply the auto-materialization policies to the assets within those jobs. Each job would be responsible for materializing its own set of assets according to the policies defined for those assets. Here's a conceptual example of how you might set this up:
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python from dagster import asset, repository from dagster.core.asset_defs import build_assets_job from dagster.core.definitions.policy import AutoMaterializePolicy  # Define assets and assign them to groups @asset(group_name="group1") def asset_group1_a():     ...  @asset(group_name="group1") def asset_group1_b():     ...  @asset(group_name="group2") def asset_group2_a():     ...  @asset(group_name="group2") def asset_group2_b():     ...  # Define an auto-materialization policy auto_mat_policy = AutoMaterializePolicy.eager()  # Build jobs for each asset group with the auto-materialization policy group1_job = build_assets_job(     "group1_job",     asset_group_name="group1",     auto_materialize_policy=auto_mat_policy )  group2_job = build_assets_job(     "group2_job",     asset_group_name="group2",     auto_materialize_policy=auto_mat_policy )  @repository def my_repository():     return [group1_job, group2_job]
In this example, we define two asset groups,
, each with its own assets. We then create a job for each asset group using
and apply an eager auto-materialization policy to the assets within those jobs. This way, each job will handle the auto-materialization of its respective asset group. Please keep in mind that the auto-materialization feature was marked as experimental at the time of my knowledge cutoff, and the APIs and capabilities may have evolved since then. Always refer to the latest Dagster documentation for the most current information and best practices.