Hi all, I'm new to dagster and I'm experimenting ...
# ask-community
Hi all, I'm new to dagster and I'm experimenting with it for my application. I have some periodic refresh job I need to run, and I need to refresh multiple items, and need the graph to be built at runtime. I basically need to spawn multiple sub-jobs from a loop -- this way I'd like to be able to tell if a particular refresh job failed. So something like this, but it doesn't work:
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def refresh_item(item):
    ... some code

def refresh_catalogue():
    catalogue: list[MyItem] = load_catalogue()

    for item in catalogue:
I've not been able to find any usable examples of this online -- the one I found uses
which appears to be deprecated. How would I do this in dagster?
Graph assets + dynamic graphs OR partitions, depending on whether the list you're fanning out over grows and shrinks or not
Thanks for the links! The dynamic graph link worked like a charm 😄, I followed the example on the page but I'm not sure how I should include
. I tried replacing
with them but the job wouldn't run. This is what I ended up with:
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def refresh_item(item):
    ... some code

def span_jobs():
    catalogue = load_catalogue()

    for i, specs in enumerate(catalogue):
        yield DynamicOutput(specs, mapping_key=str(i))

def refresh_catalogue():
    jobs = span_jobs()
    _ = jobs.map(refresh_item)
If you want it to be an asset, then you can use @graph_asset, then either just materialize the asset, or make it into an asset job, which will run similarly to an op-based job
Sorry, what do you mean by materialize the asset?
I tried updating the code using asset definitions, does not appear to work
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def refresh_item(item):
    ... some code

def span_jobs():
    catalogue = load_catalogue()

    for i, specs in enumerate(catalogue):
        yield DynamicOutput(specs, mapping_key=str(i))

def refresh_catalogue():
    jobs = span_jobs()
    _ = jobs.map(refresh_item)

defs = Definitions(
If I replace
and modify defnitions as follows:
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defs = Definitions(
I can see it in the UI for jobs, but not assets
yeah I can't seem to get
to work no matter what I do
idk what this library is doing... when I put
decorator on, it's triggering all kinds of assert failures inside my library. like why is dagster calling my code on init
Is your graph asset just
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def refresh_catalogue():
    jobs = span_jobs()
    _ = jobs.map(refresh_item)
? What are the errors you're getting
and where are you using the
Dagster executes anything marked with
, or
on init (not the underlying ops though), as those are indicators to dagster to compile a job or graph object out of the function. This can have unintended affects if you're doing vanilla python calls inside one of those definitions
Error I'm getting, where I return
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvalidDefinitionError: @graph 'refresh_catalogue' returned problematic value of type <class 'dagster._core.definitions.composition.DynamicFanIn'>. Expected return value from invoked node or dict mapping output name to return values from invoked nodes
Ah yeah that's one oddity about graph assets, because it's an asset you have to return something from the graph
Dagster tries to detect errors like this early during load that will be problematic at execution
Reading between the lines of your examples it seems that you don't really care if it's modeled as an asset, so you can just use @graph or @job with dynamic graphs if you don't want to figure out the graph asset thing
Ok I got it to work from reading https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/15664, but it's like 🤦‍♂️. I have to create a dummy function with
and return an empty dataframe:
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def collector(stub):
    return pd.DataFrame()

def refresh_catalogue():
    jobs = span_jobs()
    stub = jobs.map(refresh_item).collect()
    return collector(stub)
Yeah, I mean it's not super important that it's an asset, it would just be nice to have the visualization associated with assets
But it looks like it doesn't show the various sub-tasks even if it appears under the asset tabs anyway
Maybe a bit pedantic but it doesn't really have to be a fake dataframe, you could return an empty dict or something like that too. But yeah it's kinda weird having to return something if you didn't really plan ahead to rely on IO managers
Makes sense. Anyway, thanks for your help
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