Love Dagster and currently trying to convert some ...
# ask-community
Love Dagster and currently trying to convert some of our ETL scripts to Dagster after doing the Essentials course. After installing dagster in an already existing conda environment using:
Copy code
pip install dagster dagster-webserver
Copy code
pip install -e ".[dev]"
in the appropriate working scaffolded folder, I can run assets by solids refuse to work, getting the disheartening: ImportError: cannot import name 'solid' from 'dagster' (D:\Users\monneb\AppData\Local\ESRI\conda\envs\arcgispro-py3-clone\lib\site-packages\dagster\ I tried reinstalling dagster using pip, but only some functions will get imported without error. Does anybody have a hint what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
solids have been deprecated for a couple years now. They were removed in like 0.14.x or something like that. You should be using graphs / ops instead of pipelines / solids
Ah! That explains a lot. Thanks!
🎉 1