how do you create a job that materializes a select...
# ask-ai
how do you create a job that materializes a selected asset based on config?
To create a job that materializes a selected asset based on config, you can use the
function and provide the necessary selection and config parameters. Here's how you can do it according to the documentation: 1. Define your asset with a config schema: First, you need to define an asset that supports configuration. You can do this by using the
decorator and specifying a
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python from dagster import asset  @asset(config_schema={"interest_rate": float}) def asset_with_config(context):     # Your asset computation logic here, using the config value     interest_rate = context.op_config["interest_rate"]     # Perform some calculation with the interest rate     return some_financial_calculation(rate=interest_rate)
2. Create a job with the selected asset and config: Next, you can define a job that materializes the asset with the specified configuration. You use the
function to create a job, providing the selection of assets to materialize and the config that should be used when the job is executed.
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python from dagster import define_asset_job  # Define a job that materializes the asset_with_config with a specific interest rate asset_job = define_asset_job(     name="asset_materialization_job",     selection=["asset_with_config"],     config={"ops": {"asset_with_config": {"config": {"interest_rate": 0.05}}}} )
In this example, the
parameter is used to specify which assets the job should materialize, and the
parameter is used to provide the runtime configuration for the job. The
parameter must conform to the standard config schema based on the assets and resources involved in the job. When you execute this job, it will materialize the
using the provided interest rate of
. Please note that the provided code examples are based on the documentation's guidance, and you should adjust the asset definitions and configurations according to your specific use case.
@Scout can you make the asset selection based on what is specified in config?
The documentation does not provide a direct example of dynamically selecting assets to materialize based on runtime configuration. Typically, asset selection is defined statically when you define the job. However, you can use config to parameterize the behavior within the assets themselves, not to dynamically select which assets to materialize. If you need to materialize different assets based on different conditions, you might consider creating separate jobs for each set of assets you want to materialize, or you could use conditional logic within your assets to alter their behavior based on the provided config. For dynamic selection of assets based on runtime parameters, you might need to implement custom logic outside of the standard Dagster job definition to determine which assets to materialize. This could involve using the Dagster API to programmatically construct a job or asset selection based on external inputs or conditions. If you have a use case that requires dynamic asset selection based on config, and the current Dagster features do not support it, you might want to reach out to the Dagster community or check if there are any feature requests or discussions related to this functionality. It's possible that this could be a feature added in the future or that there might be workarounds suggested by the community.