I am getting this error when I can see the qodbc r...
# ask-ai
I am getting this error when I can see the qodbc resource as a resource in the ui :
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resource with key 'qodbc' required by op 'qb_tables' was not provided. Please provide a ResourceDefinition to key 'qodbc', or change the required key to one of the following keys which points to an ResourceDefinition: ['io_manager']
The error message you're encountering indicates that the operation (op) named 'qb_tables' requires a resource with the key 'qodbc', but this resource was not provided when the job was executed. This can happen if the resource definition is not included in the job's resource definitions or if there is a mismatch in the resource key. To resolve this issue, you should ensure that the resource with the key 'qodbc' is correctly defined and provided to the job that includes the 'qb_tables' op. Here are some steps you can follow based on the documentation: 1. Define the resource: Make sure you have a
for the 'qodbc' resource. This definition should be created using the appropriate decorator or class that corresponds to the resource you are trying to use. 2. Include the resource in the job: When defining your job, you need to include the 'qodbc' resource in the
argument. For example:
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python    @job(resource_defs={'qodbc': qodbc_resource_definition})    def my_job():        qb_tables()
with the actual resource definition you have created. 3. Check for typos: Ensure that the key 'qodbc' is spelled correctly and matches between the resource definition and the op's required resource keys. 4. Verify the configuration: If your resource requires configuration, make sure that the configuration is provided when launching the job. This can be done through the run config. If you've checked all the above and the issue persists, it might be helpful to review the job and resource definitions to ensure they are set up correctly. If you need further assistance, please provide more details about how you've defined the 'qodbc' resource and how you're including it in your job definition.
There is not a typo. Here is the definition : @asset(group_name="quickbooks_meta", compute_kind="qodbc") async def qb_tables(qodbc: QODBCResource) -> pd.DataFrame: """Get the list of tables in QuickBoo""" with qodbc as conn: df = pd.read_sql("sp_tables", conn) return df And here is the resource : class QODBCResource(ConfigurableResource): connection_string: str = Field(default="DSN=QuickBooks Data 64-Bit QRemote;", description="The connection string to the QuickBooks Data DSN") @contextmanager def get_connection(self): # Connect to the QuickBooks Data DSN conn = pyodbc.connect(self.connection_string) yield conn # Close the connection conn.close() qodbc_resource = QODBCResource() Here is where the resource is registered : defs = Definitions( assets=asset_list, schedules=schedules, resources = { 'qodbc': qodbc_resource, } ) @Scout
Based on the information you've provided, it seems like you have correctly defined the
class and instantiated it as
. You've also registered this resource in your
object with the key 'qodbc'. However, the error message suggests that when the job is being executed, the 'qodbc' resource is not being provided. This could be due to a few reasons: 1. Job Definition: Ensure that the
object where you registered the 'qodbc' resource is actually being used to construct the job that runs the
asset. If you have multiple
objects or job definitions, it's possible that the job being executed is not the one that includes the 'qodbc' resource. 2. Execution Environment: If you are running your job through the Dagster UI or a different execution environment, make sure that the
object is correctly referenced and that the environment is picking up the correct configuration. 3. Resource Initialization: The
is a
, which typically requires configuration to be passed at initialization or launch time. Ensure that any required configuration for the
is being provided. Since you have a default value for
, this might not be the issue unless the default value is not appropriate for the environment where the job is running. 4. Async Asset: Your asset
is defined as an async function. Ensure that the execution environment supports async assets and that the resource (
) is compatible with async execution. 5. Version Mismatch: If you recently updated your code or definitions, ensure that the environment where the job is running is using the latest version of the code that includes these changes. To debug this further, you can check the following: - Verify that the job that includes the
asset is constructed using the
object that contains the 'qodbc' resource. - Check the execution logs to see if there are any clues about why the 'qodbc' resource is not being provided. - Ensure that the environment where the job is running has access to the latest code changes. If you've verified all of the above and the issue still persists, it might be helpful to provide more context about how you are executing the job and any relevant configuration details. This will help in pinpointing the exact cause of the issue. Resources | Dagster button Need help on how to create a MS SQL Serv... button Python Class to Manage ELT in Multiple T... button RecursionError: maximum recursion depth ... button Thank you for your feedback!
@Scout If I disable the asset using the resource I can see the resource in the UI. This eliminates all of your suggestions
If disabling the asset using the
resource allows you to see the resource in the UI, but enabling the asset results in the error, it suggests that there might be an issue with how the asset is being recognized or linked to the resource within the execution environment. Given this new information, here are a few additional steps to consider: 1. Asset Registration: Ensure that the asset
is correctly registered with the system and that the
resource is properly associated with it. If the asset is part of a repository, make sure that the repository construction includes this asset and its associated resource. 2. Resource Scope: Check if the scope of the
resource is correctly set. Resources can be scoped to different parts of your Dagster application, such as per pipeline/job or globally. Make sure that the scope of the
resource matches the scope expected by the
asset. 3. Dagit UI: If you are using Dagit, the UI for Dagster, ensure that there are no caching issues or inconsistencies in the UI. Sometimes, refreshing the page or clearing the browser cache can resolve discrepancies between the UI and the actual state of the code. 4. Execution Configuration: If the asset requires specific configuration to run, ensure that this configuration is being provided correctly when you attempt to materialize the asset. Missing or incorrect configuration could prevent the asset from executing properly. 5. Dependency Issues: If the
asset has dependencies on other assets, ensure that those dependencies are correctly resolved and that there are no circular dependencies or other issues that could be causing the asset to fail to materialize. 6. Error Logs: Review the detailed error logs, if available, when you attempt to materialize the asset. The logs may provide more specific information about why the
resource is not being provided to the
asset. 7. Dagster Version: Ensure that you are using a version of Dagster that supports all the features you are using. If you recently upgraded Dagster, there might be changes or deprecations that affect how resources and assets are handled. If none of these steps resolve the issue, it may be helpful to reach out to the Dagster community or support with detailed information about your setup, including the version of Dagster you are using, how you are executing the job, and the exact steps you are taking when you encounter the error. This will help others to provide more targeted assistance. If you click on a SourceAsset in Dagit, ... button Allow compute_kind for SourceAsset button Provide the ability to disable the `Auto... button Toggle to hide upstream/downstream asset... button Thank you for your feedback!