How can I test a job which consists of ops using t...
# ask-ai
How can I test a job which consists of ops using the new pydantic-based config schemas?
To test a job that consists of ops using the new Pydantic-based config schemas, you would follow a similar approach to testing any Dagster job, but with the added convenience that Pydantic-based config schemas provide more straightforward and type-safe access to configuration values. Here's a step-by-step guide based on the documentation: 1. Define Your Config Schema: Use Pydantic to define a strongly-typed config schema for your assets or ops. This allows you to access configuration values directly as attributes of the config object, rather than using a dictionary.
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python    from pydantic import BaseModel     class MyOpConfig(BaseModel):        a_string: str        an_int: int
2. Define Your Ops: When defining your ops, you can now use the Pydantic config schema directly as a parameter to the op function.
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python    @op    def my_op(config: MyOpConfig):        # Access config directly        assert config.a_string == "expected_string"        assert config.an_int == 42
3. Define Your Job: Create a job that includes the ops you've defined.
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python    @job    def my_job():        my_op()
4. Write Tests: Write unit tests for your ops and job. You can directly construct instances of your Pydantic config models with the desired test values and pass them to your ops or job when invoking them in tests.
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python    def test_my_op():        test_config = MyOpConfig(a_string="expected_string", an_int=42)        my_op(config=test_config)
5. Execute Job in Tests: Use the
method to execute the job within your test environment. You can pass the Pydantic config object directly to the
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python    def test_my_job():        test_config = {"ops": {"my_op": MyOpConfig(a_string="expected_string", an_int=42)}}        result = my_job.execute_in_process(run_config=test_config)        assert result.success
This approach leverages the type safety and ease of use provided by Pydantic models, making your tests more readable and maintainable. Remember that the exact syntax for invoking ops and jobs in tests may vary depending on the version of Dagster you are using and the specific features of the Pydantic-based config system that you are utilizing. Please note that the code examples provided are based on the documentation's description of using Pydantic for config schemas and are meant to illustrate the testing process. You should adapt these examples to fit the specifics of your job and ops.
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def test_my_job():
       test_config = {"ops": {"my_op": MyOpConfig(a_string="expected_string", an_int=42)}}
       result = my_job.execute_in_process(run_config=test_config)
       assert result.success
This yields an error saying
Value must be a dict
. Please correct the example.
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def test_my_job():
       test_config = {"ops": {"my_op": MyOpConfig(a_string="expected_string", an_int=42)}}
       result = my_job.execute_in_process(run_config=test_config)
       assert result.success
This yields an error saying
Value must be a dict
. Please correct the example.
Apologies for the confusion. When you're using Pydantic models for configuration, you need to convert the Pydantic model to a dictionary before passing it to the
parameter. You can use the Pydantic model's
method to achieve this. Here's the corrected example:
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python def test_my_job():     test_config = {         "ops": {             "my_op": {                 "config": MyOpConfig(a_string="expected_string", an_int=42).dict()             }         }     }     result = my_job.execute_in_process(run_config=test_config)     assert result.success
In this example,
MyOpConfig(a_string="expected_string", an_int=42).dict()
creates an instance of the
Pydantic model with the specified values and then converts it to a dictionary, which is the expected format for the
parameter when executing a job in process.