<@U0667DNC02Y> Can you give me an example of a gra...
# ask-ai
@Scout Can you give me an example of a graph asset with 2 ops that uses config_mapping?
Certainly! The documentation provides guidance on how to define assets and graphs, and while it doesn't provide a direct example of a graph asset with two ops using
, I can explain how you would typically approach this based on the concepts of assets, ops, and configuration. Firstly,
is a feature that allows you to transform the configuration provided to a job or graph into the configuration for the ops within it. This can be useful when you want to provide a simplified configuration interface for your job or graph, or when you want to generate configuration dynamically based on some logic. Here's a conceptual example based on the documentation's guidance: 1. Define your ops, each with its own configuration schema. 2. Create a graph that includes these ops. 3. Define a
for the graph that takes an external configuration and maps it to the configurations of the individual ops. 4. Use
to turn the graph into an asset. Here's a simplified example:
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from dagster import graph, op, GraphDefinition, In, Out, graph_asset

# Define your ops with config schemas
@op(config_schema={"param": str})
def op_with_config(context):
    # Access the op's config using context.op_config
    param = context.op_config["param"]
    <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>(f"Op config: {param}")
    return param

def process_data(data):
    # Process the data in some way
    return data.upper()

# Create a graph that includes these ops
def my_graph():
    data = op_with_config()
    processed_data = process_data(data)
    return processed_data

# Define a config mapping for the graph
def my_graph_config_mapping(config):
    return {"ops": {"op_with_config": {"config": {"param": config["param"]}}}}

# Create a graph definition with config mapping
my_graph_def = GraphDefinition(
    node_defs=[op_with_config, process_data],
    dependencies={"process_data": {"data": In("op_with_config")}},

# Use `@graph_asset` to turn the graph into an asset
def my_graph_asset():
    return my_graph()
In this example,
is a function that takes a configuration dictionary and maps it to the configuration expected by
. When you materialize the
, you would provide a configuration that includes the
key at the top level, and
would transform it into the correct structure for the op. Please note that this example is conceptual and based on the principles described in the documentation. The actual implementation details may vary, and you should refer to the latest Dagster documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information on defining assets and using `co
@Scout Could you use the same example but using @config_mapping decorator instead.
Certainly! The
decorator is used to define a config mapping for a graph (or job). It allows you to override the configuration for the child ops contained within a graph. Here's how you can apply
to the previous example:
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python from dagster import op, graph, config_mapping, GraphOut, Out  # Define your ops with config schemas @op(config_schema={"param": str}) def op_with_config(context):     # Access the op's config using context.op_config     param = context.op_config["param"]     <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>(f"Op config: {param}")     return param  @op def process_data(data):     # Process the data in some way     return data.upper()  # Define a config mapping for the graph @config_mapping(config_schema={"param": str}) def my_graph_config_mapping(config):     return {"ops": {"op_with_config": {"config": {"param": config["param"]}}}}  # Create a graph that includes these ops and uses the config mapping @graph(out={"result": Out()}) def my_graph():     data = op_with_config()     processed_data = process_data(data)     return {"result": processed_data}  # Apply the config mapping to the graph my_graph_with_config_mapping = my_graph.with_config_mapping(my_graph_config_mapping)  # Use `@graph_asset` to turn the graph into an asset @graph_asset def my_graph_asset():     return my_graph_with_config_mapping()
In this updated example, we use the
decorator to define
. This function takes a simplified configuration schema (in this case, just a single parameter
) and maps it to the configuration expected by the
op. The
is a graph that includes the
and applies the
to it. Finally, we define
as a graph asset that invokes
. When you materialize
, you would provide a configuration that includes the
key at the top level, and
would transform it into the correct structure for the
. Please ensure that you refer to the latest Dagster documentation for the most accurate syntax and usage of
and other Dagster features.
@Scout Can you take the first example and tell me what is the value of param and where is it set?
In the first example provided, the value of
is not explicitly set within the code snippet itself. Instead, the value for
is expected to be provided through the configuration when the graph or asset is materialized (i.e., when a run is executed). Here's how the configuration would typically be provided:
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yaml # This is an example of a YAML configuration file that might be used to execute the graph or asset solids:   op_with_config:     config:       param: "some_value"
Or, if you're using Python to execute the graph or asset, you might provide the configuration like this:
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python # This is an example of how you might provide configuration when launching a run programmatically run_config = {     "solids": {         "op_with_config": {             "config": {                 "param": "some_value"             }         }     } }  # Assuming you have a repository and a pipeline defined, you would pass the run_config to the execution function result = my_repository.my_pipeline.execute_in_process(run_config=run_config)
In both cases, the value of
is set to
, which is a placeholder for whatever actual value you wish to configure for the
operation. The
value is then accessed within the
operation using
. Please note that the exact way you provide the configuration may vary depending on how you are executing your graph or asset (e.g., via the Dagster CLI, the Dagit UI, or programmatically). Always refer to the Dagster documentation for the specific details on how to provide configuration for your Dagster deployments.
@Scout is it possible to set the value of param in the graph_asset or the graph configuration instead?
As of the current state of the documentation, you can set default values for configuration parameters directly within the
definition using the
method on ops. This allows you to create a version of an op with specific configuration values bound to it. However, you cannot directly set configuration values on the
decorator itself. Here's an example of how you might use the
method to set a default value for
within a graph:
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python from dagster import op, graph, GraphOut  @op(config_schema={"param": str}) def op_with_config(context):     param = context.op_config["param"]     <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>(f"Op config: {param}")     return param  configured_op_with_config = op_with_config.configured({"param": "default_value"}, name="configured_op_with_config")  @graph def my_graph():     data = configured_op_with_config()     # ... continue with the rest of the graph  # Now when you use my_graph, the op_with_config will have "default_value" as the default for "param"
In this example,
is a version of
with the
configuration value set to
. If you want to provide configuration at the graph level, you would typically use a
to map the graph-level configuration to the op-level configuration. However, as of my knowledge cutoff date, the
decorator does not support a
parameter directly. You would need to use
or set defaults on the ops as shown above. For the most up-to-date information and capabilities, please refer to the latest Dagster documentation.
@Scout can you show me how I can configure a ressource at runtime
Configuring a resource at runtime in Dagster allows you to provide specific configuration values when you execute a job or materialize an asset. This can be done in several ways, such as through the Dagit UI, the command line, or programmatically using Python. Here's an example of how you might configure a resource at runtime using Python code:
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python from dagster import job, op, resource, RunRequest, RunConfig  # Define a resource with a config schema @resource(config_schema={"connection_string": str}) def my_database_resource(context):     connection_string = context.resource_config["connection_string"]     # Here you would create a database connection using the connection string     return connection_string  # Define an op that requires the database resource @op(required_resource_keys={"database"}) def my_op(context):     # Access the database resource within the op     connection_string = context.resources.database     <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>(f"Using database with connection string: {connection_string}")  # Define a job that uses the op and the resource @job(resource_defs={"database": my_database_resource}) def my_job():     my_op()  # Now, when you want to execute the job, you can provide the configuration for the resource at runtime run_config = {     "resources": {         "database": {             "config": {                 "connection_string": "<postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/mydb>"             }         }     } }  # Execute the job with the provided run configuration result = my_job.execute_in_process(run_config=run_config)
In this example,
is a resource that requires a
configuration. When defining the
, we specify that it uses
by including it in
. When we execute
, we provide a
dictionary that includes the configuration for the
resource. The
is set to a PostgreSQL connection string in this case, but you would replace this with the actual connection string for your database. This is how you can configure a resource at runtime programmatically. The same configuration can be provided through the Dagit UI or the command line when launching a run, depending on your preferred execution environment. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on configuring resources at runtime, please refer to the latest Dagster documentation.