What is the InputMappingNode object
# ask-ai
What is the InputMappingNode object
is not explicitly described in the documentation provided. However, based on the context of the issue mentioned, it seems to be related to Dagster's internal representation of input mappings within a graph or job. In Dagster, input mappings are used to map the inputs of a graph to the inputs of its constituent nodes (such as ops or assets). If you encounter an
related to an
object, it could indicate that you are trying to access an attribute that does not exist on that object. This could be due to a version mismatch, a typo in the attribute name, or an incorrect assumption about the available methods or properties of the object. For debugging such an issue, you would typically check the version of Dagster you are using, ensure that you are using the API correctly, and refer to the latest documentation or source code to understand the expected behavior and available attributes of the
or related classes. If you need more specific information about the
or how to resolve the
, I would recommend checking the latest Dagster documentation or reaching out to the Dagster community for support, as the provided documentation does not contain detailed information about this object.