dagster sensor on asset start job
# ask-ai
dagster sensor on asset start job
In Dagster, an asset sensor is a special kind of sensor that initiates a job run based on the materialization of a given asset. When an asset is materialized, the asset sensor can be configured to trigger a job that computes downstream assets or notifies appropriate stakeholders. Here is an example from the documentation of how to define an asset sensor that generates a
for every materialization of the asset key `my_table`:
Copy code
python from dagster import (     AssetKey,     EventLogEntry,     RunConfig,     SensorEvaluationContext,     asset_sensor, )  @asset_sensor(asset_key=AssetKey("my_table"), job=my_job) def my_asset_sensor(context: SensorEvaluationContext, asset_event: EventLogEntry):     assert asset_event.dagster_event and asset_event.dagster_event.asset_key     yield RunRequest(         run_key=context.cursor,         run_config=RunConfig(             ops={                 "read_materialization": ReadMaterializationConfig(                     asset_key=list(asset_event.dagster_event.asset_key.path)                 )             }         ),     )
In this example,
is the job that you want to execute when the sensor fires. The
decorator is used to define the sensor, and it takes the
of the asset to monitor and the
that should be executed when the sensor triggers. When the sensor detects a new materialization event for the specified asset key, it yields a
that includes a
and a
. The
can be used to pass specific configurations to the job when it runs. To use this sensor, you would define it in your Dagster repository alongside your assets and jobs. Once the sensor is defined and the Dagster instance is running, the sensor will monitor for materializations of the specified asset and trigger the associated job accordingly. Remember to replace
with the actual job you want to trigger and to configure the
as needed for your specific use case.