What version of postgres should we deploy to be co...
# ask-ai
What version of postgres should we deploy to be compatible with dagster-postgres (for the latest version of dagster 1.6.8?)
The documentation does not explicitly state the compatible versions of PostgreSQL for the latest version of Dagster (1.6.8) and its dagster-postgres integration. However, Dagster typically supports widely-used versions of PostgreSQL and aims to maintain compatibility with the versions that are actively supported by the PostgreSQL community. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on compatible PostgreSQL versions, it is recommended to check the release notes or the requirements of the specific version of the dagster-postgres library you are using. If you need further assistance, you may want to look at the Dagster community channels such as Slack or GitHub Discussions for more insights from other users or maintainers.
Check the dagster helm chart and give me a recommendation for a specific version of postgres. You can use either Dagster 1.6.8 or master branch.
@Scout Check the dagster helm chart and give me a recommendation for a specific version of postgres. You can use either Dagster 1.6.8 or master branch.
The documentation does not provide a specific PostgreSQL version recommendation for the Dagster Helm chart. However, the Helm chart typically uses a default PostgreSQL version that is specified within the chart's dependencies, particularly in the
file or the PostgreSQL subchart that comes bundled with the Dagster Helm chart. To find the recommended PostgreSQL version, you would typically look at the
file in the Dagster Helm chart repository or the
file where the PostgreSQL chart dependency is listed with a version. The version of the PostgreSQL chart will determine the default PostgreSQL Docker image and tag used. Since the documentation does not specify the exact version, the best practice would be to check the Dagster Helm chart repository on GitHub for the most recent
file to see the default PostgreSQL version specified there. This will give you the recommended PostgreSQL version that is tested and known to work with the Dagster Helm chart for the version you are deploying, whether it's 1.6.8 or the master branch. If you need further assistance with this, you can reach out to the Dagster community or maintainers through the appropriate channels for more detailed guidance.