when configuring `EcsUserCodeLauncher`, is it poss...
# ask-ai
when configuring
, is it possible to specify the CPU architecture for the run?
The documentation does not explicitly mention the ability to specify the CPU architecture for runs when configuring the
. However, it does provide information on how to customize the default resources for Dagster runs, including CPU and memory, as well as how to pass additional arguments to the
API call using
. If you need to specify the CPU architecture, you might consider using the
configuration option to pass any additional parameters that the AWS ECS
API supports, which could include CPU architecture if the ECS API supports it. Here's a general example from the documentation on how to use `run_task_kwargs`:
Copy code
yaml run_launcher:   module: "dagster_aws.ecs"   class: "EcsRunLauncher"   config:     run_task_kwargs:       # Additional key-value pairs to pass to the run_task API call
You would need to refer to the [AWS ECS
API documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_RunTask.html) to determine the exact key-value pairs that are required to specify the CPU architecture. Please note that the
is not directly mentioned in the documentation provided, so if you are referring to a specific configuration or class, you may need to consult the most up-to-date documentation or reach out to the Dagster community for further assistance.