<@U0667DNC02Y> assets are missing in Dagster Cloud...
# ask-ai
@Scout assets are missing in Dagster Cloud, even though they show up when I run "dagster dev". I reloaded the code location in Dagster cloud after pushing the new docker image, but no luck
If your assets are showing up locally when you run
dagster dev
but not appearing in Dagster Cloud, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue: 1. Verify Code Location Configuration: Ensure that your
file is correctly configured to point to the right module or Python file where your assets are defined. The documentation provides an example of how a
file might look for a Serverless deployment in Dagster Cloud:
Copy code
.    ├── README.md    ├── my_dagster_project    │   ├── __init__.py    │   └──  assets.py    ├── my_dagster_project_tests    ├── dagster_cloud.yaml         ## defines code locations    ├── deployment_settings.yaml   ## optional, defines settings for full deployments    ├── pyproject.toml    ├── setup.cfg    ├── setup.py    └── tox.ini
Make sure that the
file is pointing to the correct directory and module where your assets are defined. 2. Check for Successful Deployment: After pushing a new Docker image, ensure that the deployment was successful and that the latest image is being used. You may want to check the deployment logs for any errors that occurred during the deployment process. 3. Reload Workspace: As mentioned in the documentation, if you are developing locally and using a
file, you need to reload the workspace in the UI any time this file is modified for the UI to be aware of the changes. Similarly, after updating your code location with new assets, make sure to reload the workspace in Dagster Cloud to pick up the changes. 4. Review Asset Definitions: Double-check your asset definitions to ensure they are correctly set up. If there are any issues with how the assets are defined, they may not be recognized by Dagster Cloud. 5. Check for Errors in Dagit: Look for any error messages in Dagit that might indicate why the assets are not being displayed. Sometimes, error messages can provide clues about misconfigurations or other issues. 6. Review Dagster Cloud Documentation: Consult the Dagster Cloud documentation for any specific steps or configurations required for assets to be recognized and displayed in the cloud environment. If you've gone through these steps and the assets are still not appearing in Dagster Cloud, it may be helpful to look at any relevant GitHub Issues or Discussions for similar problems encountered by other users. If the issue persists, consider reaching out to the Dagster community or support for further assistance.
If your assets are showing up locally when you run
dagster dev
but not appearing in Dagster Cloud, there are a few things you can check based on the documentation: 1. Code Location Configuration: Ensure that your
file is correctly configured to point to the right code location. This file defines where your code is located and is crucial for Dagster Cloud to find and load your assets. 2. Deployment Settings: If you have a
file, make sure that it is correctly defining settings for full deployments. This file is optional but can influence how your assets are deployed. 3. Environment Variables and Secrets: Verify that any necessary environment variables or secrets are correctly scoped and configured in Dagster Cloud. If you're using a
file locally, remember that the workspace must be reloaded anytime this file is modified for the changes to be recognized in the UI. 4. Docker Image: If you're using Docker, ensure that the new Docker image with your assets has been pushed to the registry and that Dagster Cloud is pointed to the correct image tag. 5. Code Location Reload: After pushing changes or updating the Docker image, you need to reload the code location in Dagster Cloud to pick up the new changes. 6. Asset Definitions: Double-check that your assets are defined correctly using the
decorator and that they are included in the repository that is being loaded by Dagster Cloud. If you've gone through these steps and your assets are still not appearing in Dagster Cloud, it might be helpful to look at any logs or error messages that could indicate what's going wrong. Additionally, you can check if there are any known issues or discussions in the Dagster community that might relate to your problem. In case you've tried all the above and the issue persists, it could be beneficial to reach out to the Dagster community or support with specific details about your setup and the steps you've taken, as they might be able to provide more targeted assistance.