<@U0667DNC02Y> where can i find module name
# ask-ai
@Scout where can i find module name
The module name in the context of a Dagster project typically refers to the name of the Python module that contains your Dagster code, such as assets, jobs, schedules, sensors, or resources. You can find the module name in a few different places: 1. Python Module Directory: The module name is usually the name of the directory that contains your Dagster code. This directory should have an
file to make it a Python module. For example, if your project structure has a directory named
, then
would be your module name. 2. pyproject.toml File: If you are using a
file in your project, the module name can be specified under the
section. For instance, the
file might contain the following lines:
Copy code
toml    [tool.dagster]    module_name = "your_module_name"
should be replaced with the actual name of your module. 3. Command Line: When running Dagster commands, you can specify the module name using the
argument. For example:
Copy code
dagster dev -m your_module_name
This command tells Dagster to load the definitions from the specified module. 4. Dagster Documentation: The documentation provides guidance on how to structure your project and where to place your module name. It also explains how to use the
dagster dev
command with the
argument to load definitions from your module or how to configure the
file to load your code without needing to supply command-line arguments. Remember that the module name should be the name of the Python module as recognized by the Python interpreter, which means it should be importable using the Python
statement. If you follow the standard Python package structure, the module name is typically the name of the top-level directory containing your Dagster code, as long as it has an
@Scout ✔️ Container fdw-db-1 Running 0.0s ✔️ Container fdw-dagster_webserver-1 Recreated 0.1s Attaching to dagster_webserver-1 dagster_webserver-1 | No planned migration operations. dagster_webserver-1 | Setting up logs dagster_webserver-1 | Starting Dagster with ddtrace to http://localhost:8126 dagster_webserver-1 | 2024-03-07 175143 +0000 - dagster-webserver - INFO - Loaded environment variables from .env file: CLIENT,APP,ENV,THEME,SECRET_KEY,POSTGRES_PASSWORD,DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE,DOMAIN,PGHOST,PGPORT,PGUSER,PGPASSWORD,PGDATABASE,DATABASE_URL,DAGSTER_PGUSER,DAGSTER_HOME,DAGSTER_WEBSERVER_URL,DAGSTER_WEBSERVER_PREFIX,DAGSTER_S3_BUCKET,DAGSTER_S3_PREFIX,DAGSTER_S3_LOG_PATH,DAGSTER_ASSET_BASE_PATH,MINIO_ACCESS_KEY,MINIO_SECRET_KEY,MINIO_ENDPOINT_URL,SUPPORT_EMAIL_ADDRESS,HELPDESK_ADDRESS,REDIS_HOST,CELERY_REDIS_HOST,CELERY_REDIS_PORT,CELERY_REDIS_DB,API_HOST,DATA_EXPLORER_API_URL_ROOT,DATA_EXPLORER_MAPBOX_API_KEY,PIP_INDEX_URL,KOBO_TOKEN,KOBO_URL,LUIGI_SCHEDULER_URL,DRUPAL_BASE_URL,DRUPAL_USER,DRUPAL_PASSWORD,GOOGLE_ADMIN_EMAIL,COMTRADE_TOKEN,KILUIGI_INTERMEDIATETARGET_BACKEND_CLASS,KILUIGI_FINALTARGET_BACKEND_CLASS,KILUIGI_INTERMEDIATETARGET_ROOT_PATH,KILUIGI_FINALTARGET_ROOT_PATH,KILUIGI_REPORTTARGET_BACKEND_CLASS,KILUIGI_REPORTTARGET_ROOT_PATH,DATA_SUBMISSION_ROOT,AWS_TRANSLATE,DD_TRACE_ENABLED,DATA_CENTER_TOKEN,DATA_CENTER_URL,HDX_TOKEN,HDX_URL,REST_OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL,DD_API_KEY,DD_APP_KEY dagster_webserver-1 | 2024-03-07 175144 +0000 - dagster.code_server - INFO - Starting Dagster code server for module pipelines in process 56 dagster_webserver-1 | 2024-03-07 175144 +0000 - dagster - INFO - Loaded environment variables from .env file: CLIENT,APP,ENV,THEME,SECRET_KEY,POSTGRES_PASSWORD,DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE,DOMAIN,PGHOST,PGPORT,PGUSER,PGPASSWORD,PGDATABASE,DATABASE_URL,DAGSTER_PGUSER,DAGSTER_HOME,DAGSTER_WEBSERVER_URL,DAGSTER_WEBSERVER_PREFIX,DAGSTER_S3_BUCKET,DAGSTER_S3_PREFIX,DAGSTER_S3_LOG_PATH,DAGSTER_ASSET_BASE_PATH,MINIO_ACCESS_KEY,MINIO_SECRET_KEY,MINIO_ENDPOINT_URL,SUPPORT_EMAIL_ADDRESS,HELPDESK_ADDRESS,REDIS_HOST,CELERY_REDIS_HOST,CELERY_REDIS_PORT,CELERY_REDIS_DB,API_HOST,DATA_EXPLORER_API_URL_ROOT,DATA_EXPLORER_MAPBOX_API_KEY,PIP_INDEX_URL,KOBO_TOKEN,KOBO_URL,LUIGI_SCHEDULER_URL,DRUPAL_BASE_URL,DRUPAL_USER,DRUPAL_PASSWORD,GOOGLE_ADMIN_EMAIL,COMTRADE_TOKEN,KILUIGI_INTERMEDIATETARGET_BACKEND_CLASS,KILUIGI_FINALTARGET_BACKEND_CLASS,KILUIGI_INTERMEDIATETARGET_ROOT_PATH,KILUIGI_FINALTARGET_ROOT_PATH,KILUIGI_REPORTTARGET_BACKEND_CLASS,KILUIGI_REPORTTARGET_ROOT_PATH,DATA_SUBMISSION_ROOT,AWS_TRANSLATE,DD_TRACE_ENABLED,DATA_CENTER_TOKEN,DATA_CENTER_URL,HDX_TOKEN,HDX_URL,REST_OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL,DD_API_KEY,DD_APP_KEY dagster_webserver-1 | 2024-03-07 175144 +0000 - dagster.code_server - ERROR - Error while importing code dagster_webserver-1 | Traceback (most recent call last): dagster_webserver-1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dagster/_core/code_pointer.py", line 135, in load_python_module dagster_webserver-1 | return importlib.import_module(module_name) dagster_webserver-1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/importlib/__init__.py", line 127, in import_module dagster_webserver-1 | return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) dagster_webserver-1 | File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1014, in _gcd_import dagster_webserver-1 | File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 991, in _find_and_load dagster_webserver-1 | File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 973, in _find_and_load_unlocked dagster_webserver-1 | ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pipelines' dagster_webserver-1 | dagster_webserver-1 | The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: dagster_webserver-1 | dagster_webserver-1 | Traceback (most recent call last): dagster_webserver-1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dagster/_grpc/server.py", line 408, in init dagster_webserver-1 | self._loaded_repositories: Optional[LoadedRepositories] = LoadedRepositories( dagster_webserver-1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dagster/_grpc/server.py", line 242, in init dagster_webserver-1 | loadable_targets = get_loadable_targets( dagster_webserver-1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dagster/_grpc/utils.py", line 50, in get_loadable_targets dagster_webserver-1 | else loadable_targets_from_python_module(module_name, working_directory) dagster_webserver-1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dagster/_core/workspace/autodiscovery.py", line 35, in loadable_targets_from_python_module dagster_webserver-1 | module = load_python_module( dagster_webserver-1 | File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dagster/_core/code_pointer.py", line 140, in load_python_module dagster_webserver-1 | raise DagsterImportError( dagster_webserver-1 | dagster._core.errors.DagsterImportError: Encountered ImportError:
No module named 'pipelines'
while importing module pipelines. Local modules were resolved using the working directory
. If another working directory should be used, please explicitly specify the appropriate path using the
for CLI based targets or the
configuration option for workspace targets.
The error message you're encountering indicates that the Dagster webserver is trying to load a Python module named 'pipelines', but it cannot find it. This is likely because there is no Python module with that name available in the Python path that the webserver is using. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve this issue: 1. Check Module Existence: Ensure that the 'pipelines' module exists within your project and that it is a Python package (i.e., it has an
file). 2. Working Directory: The error message suggests checking the working directory. The webserver is using
as the working directory. Make sure that this directory contains the 'pipelines' module or that the 'pipelines' module is otherwise accessible from that directory. 3. Python Path: Verify that the 'pipelines' module is on the Python path. If the module is not in the current working directory or is not installed in the site-packages, you may need to adjust the
environment variable to include the location of your 'pipelines' module. 4. Docker Context: If you are running Dagster inside a Docker container, ensure that the 'pipelines' module is included in the Docker image. This might involve adjusting your
to copy the module into the image or to set the correct working directory. 5. CLI Arguments: If you are starting the webserver from the command line or a script, you can specify the working directory with the
flag, or the module name with the
flag. 6. Workspace Configuration: If you are using a workspace.yaml file to configure your Dagster deployment, ensure that the paths and module names specified there are correct. 7. Environment Variables: Since the error message indicates that environment variables are being loaded from a
file, ensure that any relevant environment variables that might affect the Python path or module loading are correctly set. To resolve the issue, you need to ensure that the 'pipelines' module is correctly placed and accessible in the environment where the Dagster webserver is running. Once you've made the necessary adjustments, restart the webserver and check if the issue is resolved.
@Scout the name of the model should be "dagster_pipelines", where do i make the changes
To correct the module name from 'pipelines' to 'dagster_pipelines', you will need to make changes in the configuration or code that specifies the module name. Here are the places where you might need to make this change: 1. Dagster Code Server Configuration: If you have a configuration file or environment variable that sets the module name for the Dagster code server, update it to use 'dagster_pipelines' instead of 'pipelines'. 2. Docker Context: If you are using Docker, ensure that the correct module name is specified in any Dockerfile commands or docker-compose.yml configurations that set up the Dagster environment. For example, if you have a command that sets an environment variable or a label for the module name, update it accordingly. 3. Workspace Configuration: If you are using a workspace.yaml file, update the module name there. For example:
Copy code
yaml    load_from:      - python_module:          module_name: "dagster_pipelines"
4. Command Line Arguments: If you are starting the Dagster webserver with a command line argument that specifies the module name, update the argument to use the correct module name. For example:
Copy code
dagster dev -m dagster_pipelines
5. Python Code: If the module name is specified in Python code, such as in a script that starts the Dagster webserver, update the module name in the code. 6. Environment Variables: If you have an environment variable that specifies the module name (e.g.,
), update its value to 'dagster_pipelines'. After making the necessary changes, restart the Dagster webserver to apply the new configuration. Make sure to check that the 'dagster_pipelines' module exists, is accessible from the working directory, and contains the expected Dagster definitions (e.g., assets, jobs, schedules, sensors).