How do I point dagster-cli at a local deployment
# ask-ai
How do I point dagster-cli at a local deployment
To point the
at a local deployment, you typically need to specify the location of your Dagster repository or workspace. This can be done by using command-line options that tell the CLI where to find your Dagster code. Here are the general steps you would follow based on the documentation: 1. Install Dagster: If you haven't already, make sure you have Dagster installed in your local environment. You can install it using pip:
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pip install dagster
2. Specify Your Workspace: When running commands like
dagster job execute
dagster job list
, you can specify your workspace using the
flag followed by the path to your workspace file (e.g.,
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dagster job list -w path/to/workspace.yaml
3. Use the
dagster dev
: The
dagster dev
command starts a local deployment of Dagster, including the Dagster webserver running on localhost and the dagster-daemon running in the background. You can specify options such as the working directory, module name, or python file to load your repository or job.
Copy code
dagster dev [OPTIONS]
For example, to specify a working directory, you can use the
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dagster dev --working-directory path/to/working_directory
To specify a Python file where your Dagster definitions reside, you can use the
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dagster dev --python-file path/to/
4. Set Environment Variables: Some configurations can be set using environment variables. For example,
can be used to specify the directory where Dagster expects to find your
file. Remember that the exact commands and options you use may vary depending on your specific setup and the version of Dagster you are using. Always refer to the latest documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information.