How do I add breakpoints to code inside setup_for_...
# ask-ai
How do I add breakpoints to code inside setup_for_execution when testing resources directly? Here is my code:
Copy code
def test_resource_function_result():
    with DagsterInstance.ephemeral() as instance:
        context = build_init_resource_context(instance=instance)    
        resource = ResourceExample(
        result = resource.get_example_data()
My intention is to add breakpoints to the code inside setup_for_execution within ResourceExample to debug, but when I run the above code with those breakpoints, it doesn’t stop at them. So how do I do what I’m attempting to do?
To debug the
method of a resource during testing, you would typically use a debugger tool that integrates with your development environment, such as pdb for Python or the debugging tools provided by an IDE like PyCharm or Visual Studio Code. However, the documentation does not provide specific guidance on how to add breakpoints to the
method when testing resources directly. It does provide information on how to test resources using
, which you are already using in your code. If you are not hitting the breakpoints you set, it could be due to several reasons unrelated to Dagster itself, such as: 1. The debugger is not properly attached to the process running the test. 2. The code containing the breakpoint is not being executed due to a conditional branch or an exception being raised before reaching that point. 3. The environment variables
are not set, causing the resource initialization to fail or behave unexpectedly. To ensure that your debugger is set up correctly and that the
method is being called, you can follow these general debugging steps: 1. Confirm that your debugger is active and properly configured to break on breakpoints. 2. Place a breakpoint at the beginning of the
method within the
class. 3. Ensure that the environment variables
are set before running the test. 4. Run your test in debug mode according to the debugger tool you are using. 5. If the debugger still does not stop at the breakpoint, add logging statements or use print statements to verify that the code is being executed. Remember that the
method is specific to the implementation of your
class and is not a standard part of the Dagster resource API. If you are referring to the method that initializes the resource, it would be the
method or a method decorated with
if you are using the context manager protocol to manage resource lifecycle events. If you continue to experience issues with debugging, you may want to consult the documentation of your debugger tool or reach out to the community for support with your specific development environment.
Ah, I realized you just have to call the setup_for_execution function directly. Thank you