How do a send a slack alert if there the code in a...
# ask-ai
How do a send a slack alert if there the code in a sensor fails?
To send a Slack alert if the code within a sensor fails, you would typically handle exceptions within the sensor's code and use a Slack client to send a message when an exception is caught. Here's a conceptual example based on the documentation:
Copy code
from dagster import sensor, RunRequest, SkipReason
from slack_sdk import WebClient
from slack.errors import SlackApiError

def my_sensor(context):
        # Your sensor logic here
        # For example, checking some condition
        if some_condition_is_true:
            yield RunRequest(run_key="run_key_for_this_condition", run_config={})
            yield SkipReason("Condition was not true")
    except Exception as e:
        # Handle the exception and send a Slack alert
            slack_client = WebClient(token="your-slack-api-token")
                text=f"An error occurred in the sensor: {str(e)}"
        except SlackApiError as slack_error:
            # Handle exceptions for Slack API errors
            print(f"Failed to send Slack message due to {slack_error.response['error']}")
In this example, you would replace
with the actual job you're targeting,
with the actual condition you're checking, and fill in the
with your actual Slack API token and the channel you want to send the message to. Please note that this is a conceptual example and you would need to adapt it to your specific use case and error handling requirements. Additionally, ensure that you have the
installed in your environment and that you handle any potential errors that could occur when sending the message to Slack. How to create a sensor for alerting on a... button Dagster Docs button How can I test that a failing job trigge... button Create alerts within the dagster UI button Thank you for your feedback!