<@U0667DNC02Y> How to create logs inside of a dags...
# ask-ai
@Scout How to create logs inside of a dagster custom resource, similar to
inside of a software defined asset?
To create logs inside a Dagster custom resource, you can use the
utility function, which allows you to obtain a Dagster-managed logger that you can use to log messages. This function is particularly useful when you want to produce logs from within a custom resource in a way that is consistent with logging from within a software-defined asset using
. Here's an example of how you might use
within a custom resource:
Copy code
python from dagster import resource, get_dagster_logger  @resource def my_custom_resource(_):     log = get_dagster_logger()     <http://log.info|log.info>("This is an info log from my custom resource")     # ... rest of your resource implementation ...
When you use
within a custom resource, the messages produced will be treated identically to messages created using
within a software-defined asset. This means that they will be captured by Dagster and linked to the relevant computations, and they will appear in the Dagster UI if you are monitoring your runs there. Remember that the
function is also useful when converting existing code into the Dagster framework, as it allows you to easily replace standard Python loggers with a Dagster-specific logger without needing to modify function signatures to pass around context.