Is it possible to increase the disk space allocate...
# ask-ai
Is it possible to increase the disk space allocated to the Postgre database in the Helm chart?
Yes, it is possible to increase the disk space allocated to the PostgreSQL database when using the Helm chart for Dagster. The Helm chart typically includes configuration options for the PostgreSQL database that it provisions. You can adjust these settings to allocate more disk space to the database. To increase the disk space, you would typically modify the
file of the Helm chart to specify a larger disk size for the PostgreSQL PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC). Here is an example of how you might configure the
Copy code
    size: 50Gi # Increase the disk size as needed
This configuration would request a PVC with 50 GiB of disk space for PostgreSQL. You would then apply this configuration by updating your Helm release with the modified
file. Please note that the exact configuration keys and values might differ depending on the version of the Helm chart you are using. Always refer to the documentation or the
file that comes with the Helm chart for the specific settings you need to adjust. If you are using an external PostgreSQL instance not managed by the Helm chart, you would need to increase the disk space through the respective cloud provider's management console or through your database administration tools. Add postgresqlParams to User Deployment ... button Limiting log storage button K8sRunLauncher usage with MySQL as stora... button [Helm] How to use externally managed k8s... button Thank you for your feedback!