How to run a dagster job defined with "define_asse...
# ask-ai
How to run a dagster job defined with "define_asset_job" explicitly with execute_job method?
To run a Dagster job that has been defined with
using the
method, you would typically follow these steps: 1. Define your assets using the
decorator. 2. Create a job using
, specifying the assets that the job should include. 3. Use the
method to run the job, providing any necessary configuration and specifying the instance of
to use. Here's a step-by-step example based on the documentation:
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python from dagster import asset, define_asset_job, execute_job, DagsterInstance  # Define your assets @asset def my_asset():     # Your asset computation logic     return "result"  # Create a job with the defined assets my_job = define_asset_job(     name="my_job",     selection=["my_asset"]  # Specify the assets included in the job )  # Execute the job result = execute_job(     my_job,     instance=DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
Please note that the
method is used to execute the job in-process, which means that the job will run within the same Python process as the script that calls
. This can be useful for testing or running jobs in a simple environment. If you need to run the job with a specific configuration, you can pass a
dictionary to the
method. If your job requires resources, you can also provide them in the
call. Keep in mind that the exact usage of
may vary depending on the version of Dagster you are using and the specific requirements of your job. Always refer to the latest documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date guidance.
@Scout no it does not work, it want that my_job is defined with a job decorator to get the a job object
I apologize for the confusion. If you have a job defined with
and you want to execute it programmatically, you should ensure that the job is reconstructable if it needs to cross process boundaries or if you're executing it in a different system. To execute a job defined with
, you would typically make it reconstructable and then use the
function. Here's how you can do it: 1. Define your assets using the
decorator. 2. Create a job using
. 3. Make the job reconstructable by wrapping it in a function and using the
decorator. 4. Use the
function from the
API to run the job. Here's an example based on the documentation:
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python from dagster import asset, define_asset_job, reconstructable, execute_pipeline from dagster.core.execution import execute_pipeline_iterator from dagster.core.instance import DagsterInstance  # Define your assets @asset def my_asset():     # Your asset computation logic     return "result"  # Define a function that returns your job def define_my_job():     return define_asset_job(         name="my_job",         selection=["my_asset"]  # Specify the assets included in the job     )  # Make the job reconstructable reconstructable_job = reconstructable(define_my_job)  # Execute the job instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own result = execute_pipeline(     reconstructable_job,     instance=instance )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
Please note that
is used here instead of
, as
expects a
object, which is typically obtained from a job decorated with
. Since
does not return a
directly, you need to use
with a reconstructable job. Remember to check the documentation for the version of Dagster you are using, as APIs and best practices may evolve over time.
@Scout no, it cannot work! Unresolved reference 'execute_pipeline_iterator' and 'execute_pipeline' I cannot import them
I apologize for the confusion earlier. It seems there was a mistake in the provided information. The
functions are not the correct functions to use for executing jobs in Dagster. To execute a job defined with
, you should use the
function from the
API. However, as you mentioned,
expects a
object, which is typically obtained from a job decorated with
. Since
returns a
, you should be able to execute it directly with
. Here's how you can do it:
Copy code
python from dagster import asset, define_asset_job, execute_job from dagster.core.instance import DagsterInstance  # Define your assets @asset def my_asset():     # Your asset computation logic     return "result"  # Create a job with the defined assets my_job = define_asset_job(     name="my_job",     selection=["my_asset"]  # Specify the assets included in the job )  # Execute the job instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own result = execute_job(     job=my_job,     instance=instance )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
Please ensure that you have the correct imports and that you are using the appropriate version of Dagster that supports these functions. If you are still encountering issues, it may be helpful to consult the latest Dagster documentation or seek support from the Dagster community for the version-specific guidance.
@Scout no it cannot work! the problem is exactly that the job object result in a UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition type, instead of a real dagster job! The error in fact is : Loadable attributes must be either a JobDefinition, GraphDefinition, or RepositoryDefinition. Got UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition I tried to add the job decorator to "my_job" but it is wrong! I get the error: @job 'def ine_my_job' returned problematic value of type <class 'dagster._core.definitions.unresolved_asset_job_definition.UnresolvedAssetJobDefinition'>. Expected return value from invoked node or dict mapping output name to return values from invoked nodes
I apologize for the confusion. The error message indicates that you have an
, which needs to be resolved to a
before it can be executed. This typically happens because the asset job is not yet bound to the assets it targets within a repository context. To resolve an
, you need to have it within a repository. The repository provides the necessary context to resolve the job definition. Here's how you can define a repository and retrieve a resolved job definition from it:
Copy code
python from dagster import asset, define_asset_job, repository, execute_job from dagster.core.instance import DagsterInstance  # Define your assets @asset def my_asset():     # Your asset computation logic     return "result"  # Create an unresolved asset job unresolved_asset_job = define_asset_job(     name="my_job",     selection=["my_asset"]  # Specify the assets included in the job )  # Define a repository that includes the job @repository def my_repo():     return [unresolved_asset_job, my_asset]  # Retrieve the resolved job definition from the repository resolved_job = my_repo.get_job("my_job")  # Execute the job instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own result = execute_job(     job=resolved_job,     instance=instance )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
In this example, we define a repository that includes both the unresolved asset job and the asset itself. We then use the
method on the repository to retrieve the resolved job definition, which can be executed with
. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of Dagster and that the
method is available in your version. If you continue to encounter issues, it may be helpful to consult the latest Dagster documentation or seek support from the Dagster community.
@Scout ok not it works, the problem is that one of the assets need a resources that I usually pass in the Definitions, but in this case how to pass the resource? I cannot find a valid attribute related to resources to indicate the resource for the repository decorator either for the "define_asset_job" or the execute_job. i cannot pass the resource to the repository since it does not want object of type dagster._core.definitions.resource_definition.ResourceDefinition in the repository list. My code is :
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# Define a function that returns your job
unresolved_asset_job = define_asset_job(

# Define a repository that includes the job
def my_repo():
    return [unresolved_asset_job, my_asset_1, my_asset_2]

# Retrieve the resolved job definition from the repository
resolved_job = my_repo.get_job("job_sample_2")

reconstructable_job = reconstructable(resolved_job)

# Execute the job
instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own
result = execute_job(
Namely, rhe error is : esource with key 'custom_resource_1' required by op 'my_asset_1' was not provided. Please provide a ResourceDefinition to key 'custom_dataset_destination_resource', or change the required key to one of the following keys which points to an ResourceDefinition: ['io_manager']
To provide resources to your assets within a job, you need to define the resources and then pass them to the job using the
argument. However, since you're using
, which doesn't directly accept
, you'll need to use a different approach. One way to do this is to define a new job that wraps your assets and includes the necessary resources. Here's how you can do it:
Copy code
python from dagster import asset, define_asset_job, repository, job, execute_job from dagster.core.instance import DagsterInstance  # Define your assets @asset(required_resource_keys={"custom_resource_1"}) def my_asset_1(context):     # Your asset computation logic that uses context.resources.custom_resource_1     return "result1"  @asset def my_asset_2():     # Your asset computation logic     return "result2"  # Define your custom resource @resource def custom_resource_1(_):     # Your resource creation logic     return "my_custom_resource"  # Create an unresolved asset job unresolved_asset_job = define_asset_job(     name="job_sample_2",     selection=["my_asset_1", "my_asset_2"] )  # Define a new job that wraps the assets and includes the necessary resources @job(resource_defs={"custom_resource_1": custom_resource_1}) def my_wrapped_job():     my_asset_1()     my_asset_2()  # Define a repository that includes the job @repository def my_repo():     return [my_wrapped_job, my_asset_1, my_asset_2]  # Retrieve the resolved job definition from the repository resolved_job = my_repo.get_job("my_wrapped_job")  # Execute the job instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own result = execute_job(     job=resolved_job,     instance=instance, )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
In this example, we define a
resource and then create a new job
that wraps the assets and specifies the
. We then include this wrapped job in the repository and retrieve it for execution. Please note that the
function is not necessary in this context, as we are directly executing the job within the same Python process. The
function is used when you need to reconstruct the job across process boundaries, such as when using the Dagster CLI or when executing in different systems. Make sure to replace the placeholder resource creation logic with your actual resource definition. This approach allows you to provide the necessary resources to your assets when executing the job.
@Scout no!!! the error is still : resource with key 'custom_resource_1' required by op 'my_asset_1' was not provided. Please provide a ResourceDefinition to key 'custom_dataset_destination_resource', or change the required key to one of the following keys which points to an ResourceDefinition: ['io_manager']
I apologize for the confusion. Let's address the issue with the correct approach. If you have an asset that requires a resource, you should define that resource and then ensure it's provided to the asset when the job is executed. Here's how you can define the resource and ensure it's available to the asset within a job:
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python from dagster import asset, ResourceDefinition, repository, define_asset_job, build_assets_job, execute_job from dagster.core.instance import DagsterInstance  # Define your custom resource @resource def custom_resource_1(_):     # Your resource creation logic     return "my_custom_resource"  # Define your assets @asset(required_resource_keys={"custom_resource_1"}) def my_asset_1(context):     # Your asset computation logic that uses context.resources.custom_resource_1     return "result1"  @asset def my_asset_2():     # Your asset computation logic     return "result2"  # Define a job that includes your assets and the required resources my_job = build_assets_job(     "my_job_with_resources",     assets=[my_asset_1, my_asset_2],     resource_defs={"custom_resource_1": custom_resource_1} )  # Define a repository that includes the job @repository def my_repo():     return [my_job]  # Execute the job instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own result = execute_job(     job=my_job,     instance=instance, )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
In this example, we define a
resource and then use
to create a job that includes both the assets and the resource definitions. The
function is a way to construct a job from a list of assets while also specifying resource definitions. When you execute the job, the
resource will be available to the
asset, which requires it. This should resolve the error you're encountering. Please ensure that the
function is available in your version of Dagster, as APIs can change over time. If you continue to encounter issues, it may be helpful to consult the latest Dagster documentation or seek support from the Dagster community.
@Scout Nope! cannot import build_assets_job from dagster!
I apologize for the confusion. If
is not available in your version of Dagster, let's try a different approach using the
decorator to define a job that includes your assets and the necessary resources. Here's how you can define a job with resources:
Copy code
python from dagster import asset, job, op, ResourceDefinition, repository, execute_job from dagster.core.instance import DagsterInstance  # Define your custom resource @resource def custom_resource_1(_):     # Your resource creation logic     return "my_custom_resource"  # Define your assets @asset(required_resource_keys={"custom_resource_1"}) def my_asset_1(context):     # Your asset computation logic that uses context.resources.custom_resource_1     return "result1"  @asset def my_asset_2():     # Your asset computation logic     return "result2"  # Define a job that includes your assets and the required resources @job(resource_defs={"custom_resource_1": custom_resource_1}) def my_job_with_resources():     my_asset_1()     my_asset_2()  # Define a repository that includes the job @repository def my_repo():     return [my_job_with_resources]  # Execute the job instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own result = execute_job(     job=my_job_with_resources,     instance=instance, )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
In this example, we use the
decorator to define a job that includes the assets and specifies the
. This job is then included in the repository and executed with
. Please ensure that you are using the correct version of Dagster and that the
decorator is available in your version. If you continue to encounter issues, it may be helpful to consult the latest Dagster documentation or seek support from the Dagster community.
@Scout what if i need to add more resources in my job in the resource_defs instead of only?
If you need to add multiple resources to your job, you can include them all in the
dictionary when defining your job with the
decorator. Each resource is specified by a key that corresponds to the
of your assets. Here's an example of how to define a job with multiple resources:
Copy code
python from dagster import asset, job, op, ResourceDefinition, repository, execute_job from dagster.core.instance import DagsterInstance  # Define your custom resources @resource def custom_resource_1(_):     # Your resource creation logic for custom_resource_1     return "my_custom_resource_1"  @resource def custom_resource_2(_):     # Your resource creation logic for custom_resource_2     return "my_custom_resource_2"  # Define your assets @asset(required_resource_keys={"custom_resource_1"}) def my_asset_1(context):     # Your asset computation logic that uses context.resources.custom_resource_1     return "result1"  @asset(required_resource_keys={"custom_resource_2"}) def my_asset_2(context):     # Your asset computation logic that uses context.resources.custom_resource_2     return "result2"  # Define a job that includes your assets and the required resources @job(resource_defs={     "custom_resource_1": custom_resource_1,     "custom_resource_2": custom_resource_2 }) def my_job_with_resources():     my_asset_1()     my_asset_2()  # Define a repository that includes the job @repository def my_repo():     return [my_job_with_resources]  # Execute the job instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own result = execute_job(     job=my_job_with_resources,     instance=instance, )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
In this example,
, and
. Both resources are included in the
when defining
. This way, when the job is executed, both assets have access to their required resources. Remember to replace the placeholder resource creation logic with your actual resource definitions. This approach allows you to provide the necessary resources to your assets when executing the job. If you have additional resources that are not directly required by the assets but are needed for the job, you can also include them in the
@Scout now I get this error: Error 1: Missing required config entry "ops" at the root. Sample config for missing entry: {'ops': {'my_asset_2': {'inputs': {'my_asset_1': '<selector>'}}}}
The error message you're encountering suggests that there is a configuration issue related to the dependencies between your assets. In Dagster, when you define assets that depend on each other, you need to specify how the outputs of one asset are passed as inputs to another. However, with software-defined assets, Dagster should handle these dependencies automatically based on the asset dependencies you define in your code. If you're seeing this error, it could be due to a few reasons: 1. Asset Dependencies: Ensure that your assets are correctly defined with dependencies if one asset depends on the output of another. Dagster should infer these dependencies automatically when using the
decorator. 2. Job Configuration: When you execute a job, Dagster expects a certain structure in the run configuration. If you're manually providing a run configuration, ensure it's correctly structured. However, if your assets are defined correctly, you typically don't need to provide this part of the configuration manually. 3. Dagster Version: There might be a version-specific issue or a bug. Ensure you're using a version of Dagster where the behavior you expect is supported. Here's a simplified example of how you might define dependent assets:
Copy code
python from dagster import asset, repository, job, execute_job from dagster.core.instance import DagsterInstance  # Define your assets @asset def my_asset_1():     # Your asset computation logic     return "result1"  @asset def my_asset_2(my_asset_1):     # Your asset computation logic that depends on my_asset_1     return f"result2 with input {my_asset_1}"  # Define a job that includes your assets @job def my_job():     my_asset_2(my_asset_1())  # Define a repository that includes the job @repository def my_repo():     return [my_job]  # Execute the job instance = DagsterInstance.get()  # Use the default Dagster instance or provide your own result = execute_job(     job=my_job,     instance=instance, )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
In this example,
depends on
, and this dependency is expressed by passing
as an input to
within the job definition. Dagster should automatically handle the passing of the output from
. If you continue to encounter issues, please ensure that your assets are defined correctly with the necessary dependencies, and that you're using a compatible version of Dagster. If the problem persists, it may be helpful to consult the latest Dagster documentation or seek support from the Dagster community.
@Scout I am noticing that I cannot see the dagit UI when using the execute_job ! the localhost webserver does not work. How to execute the job from the command line instead of via python code? Maybe in that case is possible to see the UI and then launch the command to execute job from another terminal?
To execute a Dagster job from the command line and view the results in the Dagit UI, you can use the Dagster CLI. Here's how you can do it: 1. Start Dagit: First, you need to start the Dagit webserver. Navigate to the directory containing your Dagster repository and run the following command:
Copy code
bash dagster dev
This will start the Dagit webserver, and you should be able to access the Dagit UI by going to
in your web browser. 2. Execute the Job: To execute a job from the command line, you can use the
dagster job execute
command. You'll need to specify the file that contains your job definition and the repository. For example, if your job is defined in a file named
, you would run:
Copy code
bash dagster job execute -f -j my_job
specifies the file containing the repository, and
specifies the name of the job you want to execute. Make sure that the
environment variable is set to a directory where Dagster can write instance data. This is where run logs, event logs, and other metadata are stored. If
is not set, Dagster uses the default location, which is typically
. By executing the job via the CLI, the run will be recorded, and you should be able to see it in the Dagit UI under the "Runs" tab. If you encounter any issues with the CLI commands, please ensure that you have the latest version of Dagster installed and that your repository and job definitions are correctly set up. If the problem persists, you may want to consult the Dagster documentation or seek support from the Dagster community for further assistance.
@Scout When I have resources involved, I still cannot run the job with "execute job" ! Here is my code. Where is the problem??
Copy code
    "custom_resource_1": custom_resource_1,
    "custom_resource_2": custom_resource_2,
    "custom_resource_3": custom_resource_3}
def unresolved_asset_job():

def my_repo():
    return [unresolved_asset_job, my_asset_1, my_asset_2]

resolved_job = my_repo.get_job("unresolved_asset_job")
reconstructable_job = reconstructable(resolved_job)

instance = DagsterInstance.get() 
result = execute_job(
The error is : UserWarning: Error loading repository location italydagster. core.errors.DagsterInvalidDefinitionError resource with key 'custom_resource_1' required by op 'my_asset_1' was not provided. Please provide a ResourceDefinition to key 'custom_dataset_destination_resource', or change the required key to one of the following keys which points to an ResourceDefinition: ['io_manager']
The error message you're seeing indicates that the resource with key
required by the asset
was not provided when attempting to execute the job. This suggests that there might be a mismatch between the resource keys expected by your assets and the resource definitions provided in the
of your job. Here are a few things to check and correct in your code: 1. Resource Definitions: Ensure that the resource definitions for
, and
are correctly defined and imported into the file where you're defining the job. 2. Required Resource Keys: Verify that the
for each asset match the keys used in the
of the job. For example, if
, the
should be set accordingly:
Copy code
python @asset(required_resource_keys={"custom_resource_1"}) def my_asset_1(context):     # Your asset computation logic that uses context.resources.custom_resource_1     return "result1"
3. Job Definition: When defining the job, make sure that all required resources are included in the `resource_defs`:
Copy code
python @job(resource_defs={     "custom_resource_1": custom_resource_1,     "custom_resource_2": custom_resource_2,     "custom_resource_3": custom_resource_3 }) def my_job():     my_asset_2(my_asset_1())
4. Repository Definition: In your repository definition, you only need to include the job, not the individual assets, since the job already encapsulates the assets:
Copy code
python @repository def my_repo():     return [my_job]
5. Execution: When executing the job, you don't need to make it reconstructable if you're executing it in the same process. You can directly execute the resolved job:
Copy code
python instance = DagsterInstance.get()  result = execute_job(     job=resolved_job,     instance=instance, )
Make sure that the
function is being used correctly according to your version of Dagster. If you're using an older version of Dagster, the API might be different, and you may need to use
instead. If you've checked all the above and the error persists, please ensure that your Dagster environment is correctly set up, including the
environment variable. If the problem still occurs, you may want to consult the Dagster documentation or seek support from the Dagster community for further assistance.
@Scout i still get an error! dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvalidConfigError: Error in config for job unresolved_asset_job Error 1: Missing required config entry "resources" at the root. Sample config for missing entry: {'resources': {'custom_resource_1': {'config': {'one_dataset_destination': '...'}}, 'custom_resource_2': {'config': {'one_dataset_type': '...'}}, 'custom_resource_3': {'config': {'curr_year': 0}}}}
The error message you're encountering indicates that the job
is missing the required configuration for the resources at the root level. This means that when you're executing the job, Dagster expects configuration for the resources
, and
, but it's not being provided. When you define resources that require configuration, you need to supply that configuration when you execute the job. This can be done in a few different ways, depending on how you want to execute the job. If you want to execute the job from the command line and view the results in the Dagit UI, you can do the following: 1. Start Dagit: Run the Dagit webserver by navigating to the directory containing your Dagster repository and running the command
. This will allow you to access the Dagit UI at
. 2. Execute the Job with Configuration: Use the Dagster CLI to execute the job with the necessary configuration. You can provide the configuration as a YAML file or as JSON. For example, if you have a YAML file named
with the following content:
Copy code
yaml resources:   custom_resource_1:     config:       one_dataset_destination: "value_for_dataset_destination"   custom_resource_2:     config:       one_dataset_type: "value_for_dataset_type"   custom_resource_3:     config:       curr_year: 2023
You can execute the job using the following command:
Copy code
bash dagster job execute -f -j unresolved_asset_job -c config.yaml
This command specifies the file containing the repository (
), the name of the job (
-j unresolved_asset_job
), and the configuration file (
-c config.yaml
). Make sure that the configuration keys and values in
match the expected configuration schema for your resources. The placeholders
, and
should be replaced with the actual configuration values required by your resources. By executing the job this way, the run will be recorded, and you should be able to see it in the Dagit UI under the "Runs" tab. If you continue to encounter issues, please ensure that your resources are correctly defined with the necessary configuration schema, and that you're using a compatible version of Dagster. If the problem persists, you may want to consult the Dagster documentation or seek support from the Dagster community for further assistance.
@Scout no i dont like to use to yaml file if not strictly necessary. I dont want to execute the job from the command line. The problem is that normally (withouting forcing a job execution) in my dagster Definitions I pass the resources in this way, in the
Copy code
whole_defs = Definitions(
    resources = {
            "custom_resource_1": {"curr_year": 2023},  
            "custom_resource_2": {"one_dataset_type": 'businesses'},  
            "custom_resource_3": {"one_dataset_destination": 'managed'}  
how to replicate / copy this behaviour to make the resource be used correclty? Remember that the error is : dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvalidConfigError: Error in config for job unresolved_asset_job Error 1: Missing required config entry "resources" at the root. Sample config for missing entry: {'resources': {'custom_resource_1': {'config': {'one_dataset_destination': '...'}}, 'custom_resource_2': {'config': {'one_dataset_type': '...'}}, 'custom_resource_3': {'config': {'curr_year': 0}}}}
If you want to execute a job programmatically without using a YAML file for configuration and you want to replicate the behavior of the
object where you specify resources, you can use the
method on the job definition. This method allows you to pass the configuration directly as a Python dictionary. Here's how you can do it:
Copy code
python from dagster import execute_in_process, DagsterInstance  # Assuming you have a job definition like this: @job(resource_defs={     "custom_resource_1": custom_resource_1,     "custom_resource_2": custom_resource_2,     "custom_resource_3": custom_resource_3 }) def unresolved_asset_job():     my_asset_2(my_asset_1())  # Define the configuration for your resources as a Python dictionary run_config = {     "resources": {         "custom_resource_1": {             "config": {                 "curr_year": 2023             }         },         "custom_resource_2": {             "config": {                 "one_dataset_type": 'businesses'             }         },         "custom_resource_3": {             "config": {                 "one_dataset_destination": 'managed'             }         }     } }  # Execute the job in process with the provided configuration result = unresolved_asset_job.execute_in_process(     run_config=run_config,     instance=DagsterInstance.get(), )  # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution
In this example,
is called on the
job definition, and the
dictionary is passed to provide the necessary configuration for the resources. The
method is used to get the default Dagster instance, but you can also provide a specific instance if needed. This approach allows you to execute the job within the same Python process and pass the configuration directly without the need for a YAML file. The execution result is captured in the
object, which you can inspect to see the details of the execution. Please ensure that the
, and
resource definitions are correctly defined and imported in your script. Also, make sure that the configuration keys and values match the expected configuration schema for your resources.
@Scout OK!!! now it works!!! i love you!! I usually dont like to use the config.yaml in a huge project. Like in this case better to define a specific run_config dict in the py file. Am I right to follow this idea to avoid to use the yaml? When in general is discouraged to use a yaml
I'm glad to hear that it's working for you now! Regarding the use of a
dictionary in a Python file versus a YAML configuration file, it really depends on your specific use case and preferences. Both methods are valid, and each has its own advantages. Python
- Version Control: Easier to track changes in version control systems like Git. - Dynamic Configuration: Allows for dynamic generation of configuration, which can be useful if your configuration needs to change based on certain conditions at runtime. - Code Reuse: Enables the reuse of Python variables and functions within your configuration, which can reduce duplication. - Error Checking: Benefits from Python's syntax checking and can be checked by linters or IDEs for potential errors before runtime. YAML configuration file: - Separation of Concerns: Keeps configuration separate from code, which can make the codebase cleaner and more modular. - Non-technical Users: Can be more accessible for non-developers or less technical team members who may need to modify the configuration. - Standardization: YAML is a widely used standard for configuration files and can be easier to understand for those familiar with it. - Tooling: Some tools and systems expect configuration to be provided in YAML or another declarative format. It's generally discouraged to use a YAML file when: - The configuration needs to be generated dynamically based on complex logic that is cumbersome to express in YAML. - The configuration is closely tied to the code and changes frequently with the code. - You want to leverage Python's error checking and linting capabilities for your configuration. - You prefer to keep everything in Python for consistency and ease of use. Ultimately, the choice between a Python
dictionary and a YAML file should be based on what works best for your team, your project's requirements, and your deployment practices. It's also possible to use a combination of both, where some base configuration is defined in YAML and overridden or extended by a Python
dictionary when needed.
@Scout can I put all the code above in another module in a main?
Yes, you can organize your Dagster code by placing the job and asset definitions in one module and then invoking them from a
function in another module. This is a common practice to separate the definition of your data pipelines from the execution logic. Here's an example of how you might structure your code: (or whatever you name your module with asset definitions)
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python from dagster import asset, ResourceDefinition  # Define your custom resources @resource def custom_resource_1(_):     # Your resource creation logic for custom_resource_1     return "my_custom_resource_1"  # Define your assets @asset(required_resource_keys={"custom_resource_1"}) def my_asset_1(context):     # Your asset computation logic that uses context.resources.custom_resource_1     return "result1"  # ... other assets and resources ... (or whatever you name your module with job definitions)
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python from dagster import job from .assets import my_asset_1, custom_resource_1  # Define a job that includes your assets and the required resources @job(resource_defs={"custom_resource_1": custom_resource_1}) def my_job_with_resources():     my_asset_1() (the entry point for executing your job)
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python from dagster import execute_in_process, DagsterInstance from .jobs import my_job_with_resources  def main():     # Define the configuration for your resources as a Python dictionary     run_config = {         "resources": {             "custom_resource_1": {                 "config": {                     "curr_year": 2023                 }             },             # ... other resources ...         }     }      # Execute the job in process with the provided configuration     result = my_job_with_resources.execute_in_process(         run_config=run_config,         instance=DagsterInstance.get(),     )      # You can inspect the result object for details about the execution     print(result)  if __name__ == "__main__":     main()
In this setup, you have separated the definitions of your assets and jobs from the execution logic. The
file serves as the entry point to run your job, and it can be executed directly with a Python interpreter. Make sure to adjust the imports based on your actual module and file names. If you're using a package structure, you might need to adjust the import statements to reflect the correct paths to your modules. This structure helps keep your code organized and makes it easier to maintain and understand. It also allows you to potentially reuse the
modules in other contexts or entry points if needed.
@Scout ok but how to run it now? like a normal python file ? i dont have to launch "dagster dev" right?
Correct, you do not need to launch "dagster dev" to run the job programmatically from a Python script. You can execute your
script just like any normal Python file. Here's how you can do it: 1. Open a terminal or command prompt. 2. Navigate to the directory containing your
file. 3. Run the script using the Python interpreter:
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bash python
This command will execute the
function in your
file, which in turn will execute the job with the provided configuration. Remember to ensure that your Python environment has all the necessary dependencies installed, including Dagster and any other libraries your assets and resources require. By running the Python script directly, you're invoking the Dagster job execution within the same process as your script, and you won't have the Dagit UI available for this execution. However, this approach is useful for testing, automation, and when running jobs in production environments where you may not need the Dagit UI.