Hi guys. Sorry maybe it will be a little stupid qu...
# feature-pipes
Hi guys. Sorry maybe it will be a little stupid question. I’ve recently came across pipes for aws Lambda how hard it will be to implement support for other cloud providers like gcp ?? as far as i understand the client code should be re-usable ? given that fact i can assume that it won’t be hard to port to another lang ? we currently have a pipeline with step that is running in gcp and written in JS and we ended up making some custom solution using rabbitmq as a message broker and a custom framework for cloud functions and i was wondering if there is a way to integrate it in more “native” way thanks !
I don’t think it would be too bad, heres all the code for the lambda integration https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/python_modules/libraries/dagster-aws/dagster_aws/pipes.py#L165-L242 which isn’t that much all in all
you could theoretically communicate from JS by implementing parts of the pipes library in JS https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/python_modules/dagster-pipes/dagster_pipes/__init__.py
thanks @alex I’ll review that and think what can i do there
@Pavlo Yemelianov have you had any luck setting up Cloud Functions on Dagster?
@Alfredo Hernández not yet, we’ve started working on that, but it would probably take some time unfortunately can’t give you any estimates cause it’s not first priority thing though if you want i can share class which we’re using to communicate between dagster and cloud function
it uses http trigger and rabbitmq
had a look on Slack, and found this: https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C05RDKSEFFT/p1711874786979609 haven't tried myself, but sounds promising
since Cloud Functions are not too dissimilar to Cloud Run (Cloud Functions Gen2 are actually just Cloud Run services), this might be worth having a look at
yeah thanks, will def take a look