Can I use a Dagster asset to create a pull request...
# ask-ai
Can I use a Dagster asset to create a pull request against a Github repo?
Yes, you can use a Dagster asset to interact with a GitHub repository, including creating a pull request. To do this, you would typically provision a
as a Dagster resource, which allows you to post to GitHub from within any asset or op execution. Here is an example from the documentation on how to set up the `GithubResource`:
Copy code
python from dagster import job, op from dagster_github import github_resource  @op def github_op(github: GithubResource):     # Your code to interact with GitHub goes here     # For example, using the GitHub client to create a pull request     pass  @job(resource_defs={      'github': GithubResource(          github_app_id=os.getenv('GITHUB_APP_ID'),          github_app_private_rsa_key=os.getenv('GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY'),          github_installation_id=os.getenv('GITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID')      )}) def github_job():     github_op()  github_job.execute_in_process()
In the
, you would use the GitHub client provided by the
to execute operations against the GitHub API, such as creating a pull request. The exact code to create a pull request would depend on the GitHub API and the
client's methods. Please note that the above code is a simplified example to illustrate how you might set up the resource. You would need to implement the logic for creating a pull request according to the GitHub API's requirements and the capabilities of the
client within the
function. For more detailed information on how to use the GitHub client to create a pull request, you would need to refer to the GitHub API documentation and the documentation for the
client you are using.