how can i look up and execute an op by name from w...
# ask-ai
how can i look up and execute an op by name from within a job?
To execute an op by name from within a job, you would typically define a job that includes the op you want to execute. In Dagster, ops are the building blocks of computation that you wire together to form a job. You can't dynamically look up and execute an op by name at runtime in the same way you might call a function by name in regular Python code. Here's a basic example of how you would define an op and include it in a job:
Copy code
python from dagster import job, op  @op def my_op():     # Your op's logic here     pass  @job def my_job():     my_op()
In this example,
is defined with the
decorator, and
is defined with the
decorator, which includes
as part of its execution graph. If you want to execute a specific op within a job, you would directly call that op within the job's definition. If you have multiple ops and want to conditionally execute one of them, you would need to set up the logic within your job definition to determine which op to execute. If you're looking to execute a job from within another job or op, you can use the
method available on the
object, which you can access from the context within an op. However, this is not the same as dynamically looking up and executing an op by name. The documentation does not provide an example of dynamically executing an op by name from within a job, as this is not a typical pattern in Dagster. If you need further assistance with a specific use case or pattern, please provide more details, and I'll do my best to help you based on the documentation.