Where can I find the alert policies yaml specifica...
# ask-ai
Where can I find the alert policies yaml specification in documentation
The documentation does not provide a specific "alert policies yaml specification." If you are referring to configuring alerts or notifications in Dagster, such as for pipeline failures or other events, the documentation does cover various ways to set up monitoring and observability, including using sensors and hooks that can trigger alerts. For instance, Dagster provides integrations with tools like Slack, where you can set up sensors to send messages to a Slack channel when certain events occur. However, the configuration for these integrations and alerting mechanisms would not typically be defined in a YAML file but rather in your Python code where you define your Dagster assets, sensors, and resources. If you are looking for a way to configure alerts within Dagster Cloud or Dagster open-source deployment, you would need to refer to the relevant sections of the documentation that discuss integrations and monitoring. For Dagster Cloud, you might also look into the
file for configuring code locations, which could be related to how your code interacts with the Dagster Cloud environment. If you need more specific guidance on setting up alert policies, please provide additional context or clarify what you mean by "alert policies yaml specification," and I can try to assist you further.
@Scout In dagster.yaml, under alert_policies, what are the options for event_types
As of my last update, the Dagster documentation does not explicitly detail a section within the
file for
or the options for
within such a policy. The
file is typically used for configuring a Dagster instance, including settings for run storage, event log storage, compute logs, and more. Alerting in Dagster is usually handled through sensors and notifications set up in your Dagster code. For example, you can create a sensor that triggers a Slack message when a pipeline fails or when an asset is materialized. The configuration for these alerts would be done in Python code, not in the
file. If you are looking for how to configure alerts based on specific event types, you would typically do this in your Dagster repository by defining sensors or hooks that respond to events like pipeline failures, asset materializations, or other custom events that you define in your jobs and assets. If Dagster has introduced new features or configurations related to alert policies in the
file that I am not aware of, I would recommend checking the latest version of the Dagster documentation or the release notes for the version of Dagster you are using. The Dagster team regularly updates the documentation with new features and changes, so it's possible that there have been updates since my last knowledge cutoff date.
What are all the available event_types in dagster @Scout
In Dagster,
refer to the types of events that can occur within the system, particularly during pipeline execution. These events are represented by the
enum and can include a variety of different system and pipeline execution events. Here are some of the common event types you might encounter: - `PIPELINE_START`: Indicates the start of a pipeline execution. - `PIPELINE_SUCCESS`: Indicates the successful completion of a pipeline execution. - `PIPELINE_FAILURE`: Indicates the failure of a pipeline execution. - `STEP_START`: Indicates the start of the execution of a step within a pipeline. - `STEP_SUCCESS`: Indicates the successful completion of a step within a pipeline. - `STEP_FAILURE`: Indicates the failure of a step within a pipeline. - `ASSET_MATERIALIZATION`: Indicates that an asset has been materialized during pipeline execution. - `ASSET_OBSERVATION`: Represents an observation about an asset, which can be used for tracking and monitoring. - `STEP_MATERIALIZATION`: Indicates that a materialization has occurred within a step. - `STEP_EXPECTATION_RESULT`: Represents the result of an expectation within a step. - `LOG_MESSAGE`: Represents a log message that was emitted during pipeline execution. These events are used within the event log to track the progress and status of pipeline executions. They can also be used to trigger alerts or other actions through sensors or hooks. Please note that the list above is not exhaustive, and there may be additional event types available in Dagster, especially as the system evolves and new features are added. For the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of event types, you should refer to the Dagster documentation or the source code where the
enum is defined.
which one would correspond to a failing asset check
@Scout which one would correspond to a failing asset check
In Dagster, a failing asset check does not correspond directly to a specific
because asset checks are not part of the core execution events that the system tracks through the event log. Instead, asset checks are a higher-level concept used to validate the data produced by assets. However, if an asset check fails and you have set up your system to react to that failure (for example, by preventing downstream assets from materializing or by triggering an alert), you might see the effects of a failing asset check reflected in other event types. For instance, if a failing asset check prevents a downstream asset from materializing, you might not see an
event for that downstream asset. To monitor asset checks specifically, you would typically use the Dagster UI or query the event log for asset check-related events. In the case of alerting, you might set up a sensor that listens for asset check results and triggers an alert if a check fails. As of my last update, there isn't a dedicated
for a failing asset check, but you can use the mechanisms provided by Dagster, such as sensors and the UI, to monitor and respond to asset check outcomes. For the most current information on how to handle failing asset checks and the related events, please refer to the latest Dagster documentation.