Show me a succinct example of defining a multi_ass...
# ask-ai
Show me a succinct example of defining a multi_asset using yield. The yielded multi_assets should be generated by sub-items of a list.
Certainly! Here's a succinct example of defining a
where the yielded assets are generated by sub-items of a list, as described in the documentation:
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python from dagster import AssetOut, Output, multi_asset  @multi_asset(     outs={         "asset_a": AssetOut(is_required=False),         "asset_b": AssetOut(is_required=False),     },     can_subset=True, ) def generate_assets_from_list(context):     data_list = ["item_a", "item_b"]     for item in data_list:         if item == "item_a":             yield Output(value="value_for_a", output_name="asset_a")         elif item == "item_b":             yield Output(value="value_for_b", output_name="asset_b")
In this example,
is a
function that iterates over a list of items (
). Depending on the value of each item, it yields an
with a specific value and output name that corresponds to one of the defined assets (
). The
attribute for each
indicates that the assets are optional, and
allows for computing an arbitrary subset of the assets associated with the
@Scout can I yield twice from within a multi_asset to create two assets?
Yes, within a
function, you can yield multiple times to create multiple assets. Each
statement should produce an
object corresponding to one of the defined output assets. Here's an example based on the documentation:
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python from dagster import AssetOut, Output, multi_asset  @multi_asset(     outs={         "asset1": AssetOut(),         "asset2": AssetOut(),     } ) def my_multi_asset():     # Yielding the first asset     yield Output(value="data_for_asset1", output_name="asset1")          # Yielding the second asset     yield Output(value="data_for_asset2", output_name="asset2")
In this example,
is a
function that yields two outputs, each corresponding to a different asset (
). Each
statement creates one of the assets with the specified value.
@Scout can I yield two MaterializeResult objects?
As of my knowledge cutoff date in early 2023, the
object is not a part of the Dagster API. Instead, Dagster uses
objects to yield results from within a
function, and
events to represent the materialization of an asset. If you want to yield materialization events within a Dagster
function, you would use
objects. Here's an example of how you might yield two
events within a
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python from dagster import AssetOut, Output, multi_asset, AssetMaterialization  @multi_asset(     outs={         "asset1": AssetOut(),         "asset2": AssetOut(),     } ) def my_multi_asset():     # Yielding an AssetMaterialization event for the first asset     yield AssetMaterialization(asset_key="asset1", description="Materialized asset 1")     yield Output(value="data_for_asset1", output_name="asset1")          # Yielding an AssetMaterialization event for the second asset     yield AssetMaterialization(asset_key="asset2", description="Materialized asset 2")     yield Output(value="data_for_asset2", output_name="asset2")
In this example,
events to indicate the materialization of two assets (
). Each
is followed by an
that provides the actual data for the asset. Please note that the actual implementation and usage might differ based on the version of Dagster you are using, and you should refer to the latest documentation or release notes for the most up-to-date information.
@Scout how are multiple scripts defined in dagster, should you define it as a whole project or should I split it into different project files if I am using it only as an orchestration tool to replace task scheduler
In Dagster, you can organize your code in various ways depending on the complexity of your project, the level of isolation you want between different parts of your codebase, and how you want to manage dependencies. Here are some strategies for managing multiple scripts or assets in Dagster: 1. Single Project with Multiple Files: If your scripts are related and share common dependencies, you might choose to keep them in a single Dagster project repository. You can organize your code into multiple Python files or modules within the same project. This approach is simple to implement and facilitates code sharing between assets. 2. Multiple Directories in a Single Repository: For a bit more isolation while still keeping things in a single repository, you can use multiple directories within the repository, each representing a different logical part of your project. This can help manage complexity and divide work into areas of responsibility. 3. Multiple Repositories: For stronger isolation, you can use multiple repositories to manage different parts of your project. Each repository can have its own set of dependencies, CI/CD pipeline, and can be deployed independently. This approach is useful if your scripts are unrelated or if different teams are responsible for different scripts. When using Dagster as an orchestration tool to replace a task scheduler, you should consider the following: - Dependencies: If your scripts have overlapping dependencies or need to communicate with each other, it might be easier to keep them in the same project to manage these interactions. - Team Structure: If different teams are responsible for different scripts, it might make sense to split them into separate repositories for better access control and project management. - Deployment: Consider how you want to deploy your scripts. If they can be deployed together, a single project might suffice. If they need to be deployed independently, separate projects or repositories might be better. - Scale: As your project grows, what starts as a manageable single project might become unwieldy. At that point, it might be time to consider splitting it into multiple projects or repositories. Regardless of the approach you choose, Dagster provides the
object to combine different definitions (such as assets, jobs, sensors, and schedules) and have them aware of each other. This allows you to manage your Dagster elements in a structured way. Here's an example of how you might define multiple assets in a single project using the
object: ```python from dagster import Definitions, load_assets_from_modules from . import assets_module1, assets_module2 all_assets = load_assets_from_modules([assets_module1, assets_module2]) defs =
Definitions( assets=all_assets, ) ``` In this example,
are Python modules that contain asset definitions. The
function loads all assets from these modules, and the
object combines them into a single project. Ultimately, the best approach depends on your specific use case and how you want to manage your codebase. It's important to choose a structure that aligns with your project's needs and allows for scalable and maintainable development.
@Scout how to structure a modular code that handles condition, datetime, and asset at different functions
Structuring a modular codebase in Dagster that handles conditions, datetime operations, and assets across different functions involves organizing your code into logical units that can be composed and reused. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this: 1. Define Assets: Start by defining your assets using the
decorator. Each asset function should encapsulate the logic required to compute that asset. If you need to perform datetime operations as part of the asset computation, you can include that logic within the asset function or call a helper function. 2. Helper Functions: Create helper functions for common operations, such as datetime manipulation or conditional logic. These functions can be imported and used within your asset functions to keep your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and maintainable. 3. Conditional Logic: If you have conditional logic that determines whether an asset should be computed or not, you can implement this logic within the asset function itself or use sensors to trigger asset computations based on certain conditions. 4. Organize Code: Organize your code into modules based on functionality or domain. For example, you might have a
module for datetime operations, a
module for conditional logic, and separate modules for different groups of assets. 5. Use Dependencies: If an asset depends on the output of another asset or on the result of a condition, you can express this dependency using the
parameter of the
decorator. This ensures that assets are computed in the correct order. 6. Asset Groups: Group related assets together using asset groups. This can help organize your asset graph and make it easier to manage and visualize dependencies between assets. Here's an example of how you might structure your code:
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from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def get_previous_day(date):
    return date - timedelta(days=1)

def should_compute_asset(date):
    # Implement your conditional logic here
    return True

from dagster import asset
from .datetime_helpers import get_previous_day
from .conditions import should_compute_asset

def daily_asset(context):
    date = context.op_config["date"]
    if should_compute_asset(date):
        # Perform computation for the asset
        return f"Asset computed for {date}"
        <|>(f"No computation needed for {date}")
        return None

from dagster import repository
from .assets import daily_asset

def my_repository():
    return [daily_asset]
In this example,
is an asset that uses helper functions from
to perform
datetime manipulation and conditional logic. The
function collects all assets into a repository. By structuring your code in this way, you can create a modular and maintainable codebase that clearly separates concerns and allows for easy testing and reuse of common functionality.