Is there anyways to use the published dagster helm...
# ask-ai
Is there anyways to use the published dagster helm charts to give
serviceaccount permissions to access secrets?
The documentation does not provide a direct example or explicit instructions on how to give the
service account permissions to access secrets using the published Dagster Helm charts. However, managing Kubernetes service accounts and their permissions typically involves Kubernetes RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) configurations. In general, to grant a service account permissions to access secrets in Kubernetes, you would create a
that includes the necessary API permissions for secrets, and then bind that role to the service account using a
. Here's a conceptual example of how you might define these resources in Kubernetes (not specific to Dagster):
Copy code
yaml apiVersion: <|> kind: Role metadata:   namespace: your-namespace   name: secret-access-role rules: - apiGroups: [""]   resources: ["secrets"]   verbs: ["get", "list"]  --- apiVersion: <|> kind: RoleBinding metadata:   name: secret-access-rolebinding   namespace: your-namespace subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount   name: user-code-dagster-user-deployments-user-deployments   namespace: your-namespace roleRef:   kind: Role   name: secret-access-role   apiGroup: <|>
This YAML defines a
that grants permissions to get and list secrets within a specific namespace and a
that grants those permissions to the specified service account. To apply this to your Dagster Helm deployment, you would need to create these resources in your Kubernetes cluster. This can be done separately from the Helm chart or potentially integrated into the chart if you are customizing it. Please note that the above is a general Kubernetes RBAC example and not specific to Dagster. You should review and adjust the permissions according to your security policies and requirements. If you need to integrate this into the Dagster Helm chart, you may need to customize the chart or manage these resources separately from the Helm deployment. For specific guidance on integrating this with Dagster's Helm charts, you would need to refer to the Helm chart documentation or seek advice from the Dagster community, as the provided documentation does not cover this scenario in detail.