I replaced my @repo with Definitions to run a bunc...
# ask-ai
I replaced my @repo with Definitions to run a bunch of ops in a graph with the .to_job() function. I noticed that I don't have a hierarchy of folder to group the jobs in the graph. Instead the Dagster UI Overview now lists all the jobs individually. How can I group the jobs using Definition?
The transition from using
is part of an effort to simplify the Dagster API and improve the user experience. However, based on the documentation, there isn't a direct feature within
that replicates the hierarchical grouping of jobs that was possible with repositories. The
object is a vanilla object with typed, named arguments, and it is designed to replace the
decorator. It allows you to define a collection of assets, resources, and other components in a single place. However, the documentation does not mention a built-in way to create a visual hierarchy or folders for grouping jobs within the
object itself. From the GitHub issues you've shared, it seems that other users have also expressed a desire for better ways to organize jobs in the UI, indicating that this is a recognized need within the community. The issues suggest feature requests for grouping jobs or organizing them in a more navigable way, but as of the latest information available, these features are still under discussion and have not been implemented. If organizing jobs in the UI is critical for your workflow, you might want to follow the progress of these feature requests on the Dagster GitHub repository and participate in the discussions to provide your input. Additionally, you can consider structuring your code in a way that logically groups related jobs together, even if this grouping is not visually represented in the UI. For now, it's important to keep an eye on updates from the Dagster team regarding new features that might address job organization in the UI. If you have a specific use case or suggestion, contributing to the discussions on GitHub could help influence the development of such features.
@Scout Do you have a link to this Github Issue?
I apologize for any confusion, but as of my last update, there isn't a specific GitHub issue that directly addresses the ability to group jobs in the UI using
. The GitHub issues I referenced were examples of how users can engage with the Dagster community and contribute to the project, but they were not directly related to your question about grouping jobs in the UI. If you are interested in this feature or want to follow the development of similar features, I recommend checking the Dagster GitHub repository for any existing issues or discussions that match your interest. You can also consider opening a new issue to start a conversation about this specific feature request. Engaging with the community through GitHub issues is a great way to contribute to the roadmap of the project and to get updates on the features you care about. To find or create issues, you can visit the Dagster GitHub repository's issues page: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues Remember to search for existing issues before creating a new one to avoid duplicates. If you do create a new issue, provide as much detail as possible about your use case and why this feature would be beneficial to you and potentially other users.