:daggy-celebrate: Hi all! We’re opening up <https:...
# announcements
🎉 Hi all! We’re opening up GitHub Discussions as a public knowledge base complement to our Slack community. This is a great place to explore ideas, share what you’ve made, and discuss best practices / design patterns with the community members and the Dagster core team! Here are some highlights: • excited Companies / Projects using Dagster is a place for folks to showcase how your companies/projects are using Dagster. • dagsir Dagster-related Job Openings is a place for companies looking for people with Dagster experience. • 💬 The How-to examples category aims to collect code snippets, examples, and design discussions for accomplishing specific use cases with Dagster. 📝 Check out this welcome message to explore more categories! We’ll also be surfacing FAQ and valuable discussions in Slack to this pubic space for content discoverability. Hope you’d find it helpful that questions and answers become more publicly searchable and accessible. 🧪 This is something new we are experimenting with. If you’d like to see any changes or have feedback to our GitHub Discussions, please feel free to ping me directly! hat tip
dagster spin 8
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excited 2
docster 14
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