:wave: Hey everyone, we’ve done a little :broom: h...
# announcements
👋 Hey everyone, we’ve done a little 🧹 housekeeping 🧹 and reorganization in our Slack! Moving forward, we’ve renamed this channel as #announcements for one-way communication from the Dagster core team to the community. Here, we’ll post updates like upcoming events, new blog posts, team updates, and other fun stuff! Here is the full list of default channels (where everyone will be added), along with a short description: • #announcements: 📰 News from the Dagster core team! • 🆕 #dagster-releases: 🚂 Announcements about Dagster releases only. Please use #dagster-feedback for discussion of releases. • 🆕 #dagster-support: 🙋 Encountering a problem with Dagster? Ask it here after checking out our documentation! https://docs.dagster.io/#introductions: 👋 Tell us about yourself! • #random: 🏖️ Non-work banter and watercooler conversation. If you don’t know the correct channel for your question, post it here and we can triage! Additionally, we have some other public channels that we’d like you to check out: • #dagstereo: 🎶 The music channel. Post your favorite tunes here! • 🆕 #dagster-feedback: Discussion about Dagster community events, and general Dagster API feedback! • 🆕 #dagster-showcase: Discussion about projects you’re working on with Dagster! We’ll feature these on our Twitter and upcoming newsletter. • 🆕 #dagster-kubernetes (originally named #k8s-deployment): ☸️ Got questions for deploying Dagster on Kubernetes? Ask them here! • #jobs: 🧑‍💻 Share your job postings here! • 🆕 #phabricator: 📰 Interested in what the Dagster core team is working on? Check it out here! • #豆瓣酱帮: 🌶️ Share your foods and recipes! Have any feedback on this change? Got ideas for other channels? Drop them in the comments!👇🏼
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