...also, execution errors are masked whenever I ca...
# announcements
...also, execution errors are masked whenever I call a function from another module?? How can I see this stuff?
Hi Vlad- that is unexpected. Is the other function raising a Python error and that error is getting swallowed? How are you running the pipeline?
Thanks for your reply, sandy. I'm importing a module (Perforce wrapper of P4Python) in a SOLID. Then, I call one of the functions in the solid's compute function. In my imported module, I have lots of print() statements telling you what happened. Also some try: except" code that returns exceptions. None of that prints up in the 'dagit' web-client.
I think it might be available in the commandline proxy server that 'dagit' sets up. But, my users won't see that.
as I think you pointed out above, print output iis only available via "View Raw Step Output". any uncaught errors/exceptions that are raised from inside a solid should definitely be showing up on their own lines in Dagit - if that's not occurring, that's a bug