Hi! I've got 6 repositories, and noticed that the ...
# announcements
Hi! I've got 6 repositories, and noticed that the memory usage is "quite" (relative) high with the dagster daemon + dagit using around 1.3gb-2gb when it first boots. It seems to have multiple dagster processes (grpc etc) for each repository, is this normal?
Hi Josh - which version of Dagster are you using currently?
does each repository have its own entry in your workspace.yaml? I'd expect there to be one process per workspace entry in the daemon (and one per entry in dagit as well)
yeah it does, shouldn't it?
It can, but it doesn't have to - you can define multiple repositories in a single file or python package (and if you wanted to reduce the number of running processes that's what I'd recommend - each entry in your workspace.yaml gets its own process)