Hi, recently I've been experimenting with the dags...
# announcements
Hi, recently I've been experimenting with the dagster-daemon and an error related to the scheduler comes up now and then that basically resolves itself after some time and a refresh. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
The error is as follows:
Copy code
grpc._channel._MultiThreadedRendezvous: <_MultiThreadedRendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
	status = StatusCode.UNKNOWN
	details = "Exception iterating responses: cannot import name 'EnvironmentClassCreationData' from partially initialized module 'dagster.core.definitions.environment_configs' (most likely due to a circular import) (/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/core/definitions/environment_configs.py)"
	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1617748195.680820000","description":"Error received from peer unix:/var/folders/yn/m0pvh2vd52g46p8sk37zkkhc0000gn/T/tmpuvjplgjx","file":"src/core/lib/surface/call.cc","file_line":1068,"grpc_message":"Exception iterating responses: cannot import name 'EnvironmentClassCreationData' from partially initialized module 'dagster.core.definitions.environment_configs' (most likely due to a circular import) (/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/core/definitions/environment_configs.py)","grpc_status":2}"
  File "/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/scheduler/scheduler.py", line 93, in launch_scheduled_runs
    repo_location = location_manager.get_location(origin)
  File "/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/core/host_representation/location_manager.py", line 49, in get_location
    else GrpcServerRepositoryLocation(
  File "/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/core/host_representation/repository_location.py", line 480, in __init__
    self._external_repositories_data = sync_get_streaming_external_repositories_data_grpc(
  File "/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/api/snapshot_repository.py", line 15, in sync_get_streaming_external_repositories_data_grpc
    external_repository_chunks = list(
  File "/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/grpc/client.py", line 245, in streaming_external_repository
    for res in self._streaming_query(
  File "/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dagster/grpc/client.py", line 95, in _streaming_query
    yield from response_stream
  File "/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/grpc/_channel.py", line 416, in __next__
    return self._next()
  File "/Users/synergia/.virtualenvs/dagster/lib/python3.9/site-packages/grpc/_channel.py", line 803, in _next
    raise self
very strange! I don't remember another report with this error. It's particularly strange that it's sporadic. Do your pipelines/schedules do anything that alter sys.modules or might affect the python module loading path?
if its possible to share your repository code we could take a look and see if anything jumps out
would you also mind sharing what version of dagster you're using?
Sorry for the late response. After watching it for a while, I discovered that the one returning the error is sometimes the sensor daemon and other times the scheduler daemon, and it almost always occurs at startup (after using
dagster-daemon run
). From what I know, my pipeline is still very basic, so I don't think that me modifying the module loading path is not even a possibility. I'm using Dagster 0.11.3
For my code: Do you need my entire script or only the repo part?
If it's possible to provide the repository and pipelines/schedules that would be helpful so we can try to repro, but only whatever you're comfortable sharing. One other question - is there anything else suspicious in the logs earlier / any other error-like output that doesn't necessarily stop execution?
Here's my entire script. It's probably a bit janky and long, but I hope it helps!
And... nope. I don't see any other warnings or suspicious logs before the aforementioned error pops up.
Got it, thanks - I have the daemon running with the schedule running and haven't managed to run into the error yet. Are there any steps that you've found can reliability reproduce the problem?
The problem seems to pop up every time I launch the dagster-daemon.
Got it - so you see it 100% of the time, whenever you execute "dagster-daemon run"?
but then it sorts itself out after some time?
So far, yes. After that it continues to appear sporadically and quickly fixes itself. This is to say that my sensors and schedules work right despite the warning.
If you execute the Tests.py file in python directly do you also get the issue?
I guess that is unlikely to be the problem since the error refers to a dagster file
would you mind sharing your workspace.yaml as well?
ah wait, I can reproduce once I turn both the schedule and the sensor on!
Ohhh! Maybe a conflict between the two? I don't get the issue when I execute it directly on python... and sadly I don't have a workspace.yaml file in my directory.
What command did you run to start dagit?
dagit -f Tests.py
Got it - I think I see the problem. Thanks for the report, this is very helpful. I bet we can get this fixed for our weekly release tomorrow
Glad I can help!
Wow I think this might actually be a python bug in python 3.9! https://bugs.python.org/issue43517
looks like they have fix in cpython landed in master. Is using 3.8 an option until they ship the next version?
Wooow. Did not expect that
I suppose I can switch to python 3.8 when I enter production
Thanks a lot @daniel!
condagster 1