Hi! Is there in dagster any possibility of termina...
# announcements
Hi! Is there in dagster any possibility of terminate pipeline, if it execute more than some time? (something like timeout of pipeline execution) Thank you
Hi Sasha - this isn't something dagster currently has built in. I could imagine building something like this using the GraphQL API though as there's a mutation you can call to terminate a running pipeline: https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/dagit/graphql#graphql-api
@Dagster Bot docs document pipeline termination mutation
Hi! No, the point of termination is, that if pipeline running more than some time, I don’t want to run it at all, just terminate it. But terminate this pipeline by system(dagster), not via API (this will require some external pipline or application). I hope my exploration is clear. Thank you
Hi - absolutely, the API suggestion is just as a workaround since it's not currently available as a system feature.
ok. thanks. looking forward for this feature