Hi, first of all congratulations to that amazing f...
# announcements
Hi, first of all congratulations to that amazing framework! While building up an environment based on the deploy_docker example, I ran into the following problem: The pipeline being launched in a separate container via DockerRunLauncher needs access to volumes to manipulate data being present on the host machine. While the container running the gRPC-Server (using the same image as the worker-container) has access to the volumes (specified in the docker-compose.yaml), the launched worker-container does not. Is there a way to enable/specify volumes for the pipeline? What would be a possible solution for that problem? Thanks, Daniel
Hi Daniel - if you’re ok having the volume available to all launched runs in your deployments, it would just require a small change to the DockerRunLauncher to accept volumes as part of its config in the dagster.yaml file and pass those through to the launched container. It would get a little bit trickier if you wanted to only have certain volumes available to certain pipelines (is that the case?) but should still be doable.
Hi, yeah, in my case it would be fine all launched runs having the same mounts available. I just digged into the DockerRunLauncher and I think I know in what direction you are thinking. Another way of doing it would be by using the "volumes_from" argument from the docker-py start() call. That way the launched run could inherit the volumes from any other container specified by its name.
I implemented the changes to the DockerRunLauncher (and the dagster.yaml) and it works perfectly fine. Shall i create a PR? I wanted to add some tests, but unfortunately I'm not able not make the docker-tests run on my machine.
That would be great!