Hello Dagster team! Is there a way (in dagit or vi...
# announcements
Hello Dagster team! Is there a way (in dagit or via CLI) to batch re-execute failed partitions?
Hi Marco - do you know how to find the Partitions page? From there, you can click "Launch backfill" and check the "Re-execute from Failures" checkbox. Let me know if you run into any trouble
I do now, nice! Thanks
Hi Sandy. Going back to this now (with dagit/dagster 0.11.0) and ‘re-execute from failures’ is always greyed out, in spite of failures. Any idea why that could be?
Hmm - I just tried that and hit the same issue. Filed a github issue: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/3943. @prha or @dish - any ideas?
Hmm I’m not sure, @Ben Gotow may have seen this though
just put up a fix for this… should go out today: https://dagster.phacility.com/D7145