Hello, I am now getting into dagstermill. I am go...
# announcements
Hello, I am now getting into dagstermill. I am going through the tutorial and everything runs fine. However, the rendered notebook is being saved where I execute the dagit command. I was expecting the notebook to be saved where my DAGSTER_HOME env variable is set at, but wasn't sure as I am having difficulty finding info in the docs on specifying save location when using fs_io_manager with local_file_manager. I'm assuming there is a way to set location where I want the rendered notebook to be saved at. Thanks in advance!
Hi Daniel, which dagster version are you on?
After 0.10.7,
will use the
configured in your dagster instance yaml as the base_dir by default
Gotcha, thank you!!!
you can configure
as a config on the fs_io_manager. here are some examples: at definition time
Copy code
    mode_defs=[ModeDefinition(resource_defs={"io_manager": fs_io_manager.configured({"base_dir": "path/to/dir"})})],
def pipe():
or via run_config / yaml:
Copy code
      base_dir: <path/to/dir>
is a config on a resource, where the resource is an io manager
Hmmm, still not working for me. FWIW, I am on Windows. I used forward slash for my string base_dir. I configured in dagster.yaml and also configured via dagit config editor, but still didnt save to correct location. No warning or error messages at all.
My path: "D:/gitprojects/dagster_dev/outputs"
my bunch is this is related to some regression on file_manager after we introduced io_manager. do you mind sharing your pipeline setup, esp the mode def and the resource configs
It is basically the same as in the official docs tutorial. Only difference is path to my notebook is different.
gotcha. let me try to repro it
You can find my solid and pipeline defs in dagster's github discussion forum in the "Q&A" if need be.
blob thumbs up 1
just to confirm,
Copy code
        str(DS_RODEO_HOME / 'notebooks' / '2_Dimensionality_Reduction.ipynb')
is the input notebook path right nvm
oh i think instead of configuring io_manager, you do:
Copy code
"file_manager": local_file_manager.configured({"base_dir": "/tmp/aaa/"})
you can find the notebooks.
without setting it, you should find all the output notebooks in the current dir of you executing the dagit cmd
bc local_file_manager defaults to the current dir, i.e. “`.` ”
Hi Yuhan, I've configured the local file manager as you've suggested in my pipeline definition, but now I am getting a permission error that shows up on dagit's log:
Error when attempting to materialize executed notebook using file manager (falling back to local): SerializableErrorInfo(message="PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'D:/'\n", stack=['  File "D:\\Python38\\envs\\ds_rodeo\\lib\\site-packages\\dagstermill\\solids.py", line 229, in _t_fn\n    executed_notebook_file_handle = compute_context.resources.file_manager.write(\n', '  File "D:\\Python38\\envs\\ds_rodeo\\lib\\site-packages\\dagster\\core\\storage\\file_manager.py", line 261, in write\n    self.ensure_base_dir_exists()\n', '  File "D:\\Python38\\envs\\ds_rodeo\\lib\\site-packages\\dagster\\core\\storage\\file_manager.py", line 227, in ensure_base_dir_exists\n    mkdir_p(self.base_dir)\n', '  File "D:\\Python38\\envs\\ds_rodeo\\lib\\site-packages\\dagster\\utils\\__init__.py", line 126, in mkdir_p\n    os.makedirs(path)\n', '  File "D:\\Python38\\lib\\os.py", line 223, in makedirs\n    mkdir(name, mode)\n'], cls_name='PermissionError', cause=None)
Here's my pipeline definition:
"io_manager": fs_io_manager,
"file_manager": local_file_manager.configured(
{"base_dir": "D:/"}
def notebook_pipeline():
I wonder perhaps Windows paths with drive letter is not supported or not working with
. I will try something else using a relative path.
I changed to:
{"base_dir": "outputs"}
and it works relative to where I executed the dagit command. So it appears the base_dir only accepts relative path. Is there a way to set absolute path? I looked at dagster.utils module, but I see only methods for relative path.
Inserting a forward slash works in Unix, ie /output instead of output will be absolute path
Not sure if window works in a similar way. Cc @max re: how to set absolute path for file_manager in window
Setting an absolute path on Windows usually entails including the drive letter, which I know doesn't exist for POSIX systems.
i wouldn't be shocked if this were broken on windows
hm, though, this looks like a permissions error?
are you certain that your python process has permissions to access
you may want to try running as an adminsitrator; i'm also curious what version of python you're running
Hi @max I don't think it was a permission issue as I was able to use relative path which was still in my D:\ drive (I am using Python 3.8 btw). I have upgraded to 0.11.0 as I wanted to be able to set the base_dir setting with the dagster.yaml file instead of having to do it inside the pipeline decorator. After upgrading, looks like I am able to now use full/absolute path with drive letter. But apparently the base_dir config setting in the dagster.yaml file is still not being recognized. So I had to revert back to setting the base_dir config setting within the pipeline decorator again. So I created a new issue: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/3898