Hi All, probably a very silly question here. How d...
# announcements
Hi All, probably a very silly question here. How do I use a placeholder for DB password (using redshift) in the yaml file? Plan is to avoid password in plain text and use a package like 1Password to retrieve it during run time? redshift: config: host: host_name port: 5439 user: user password: placeholder_password database: dbname
I dont recall if we provide a redshift resource so I assume this is one you are creating - the config type linked above allows you to specify an environment variable to load a value
I am using the redshift_resource from dagster_aws.redshift
Sorry, meant to say, it is provided by dagster
in that case its already set up with StringSource so you should be able to do the
Copy code
  env: MY_ENV_VAR
Brilliant! Thanks for all the good work!
dagsir 1